MAGNOLIA PUBLIC SCHOOLS Office: of the Superincerstenty: MAGNOLIA, ARKANSAS Jan. el, 194k Wr. He. Cs Allen, Chairman Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allens I received my master's depree at Louisiana State University in August 1940. I wrote my thesis on "A Poaysical Education Program for Boys". I am qualified to teach undergraduate and graduate Health and Physical Education. I am interested in taking hours in Educational Administration this summer. I have had five suceessful teaching years. m My field in high sehool has tpeƩn social Science, coaching, and physical education. Please consider this an application for an instructor's position in your department for the summer of 1941 in the physical education department. My major professor while in Louisiana State University was Dr. George M. Gloss. TI will be glad to send