Decenber 20% 1940 Honorable Senator Arthur Capper UeSe Senator from Kansas Uede Senate Washington, DeCe Dear Senator Cappers The University of Kansas Basketball Team is playing Fordham in Madison Square Garden on the 28ths also playing Temple in Philadelphia on December 30, | oa On the morning of the 3lst, we desire to go to Washington, _ DeGe and visit as many points of interest as possible during our _ short one-day stays I especially desira the team to see, in addition to the other interesting places, the FeBele Building and its workings. I would greatly appreciate it if your secretary could Conmmicate with Mre Je Edgar Hoover's secretary, and arrange for our coming on that datee If we can have the courtesy of being shown through the Building, we will be very grateful, Of course, we will want to see you, but we will also realize that these are busy times and we certainly will not encroach unduly upon your valuable and busy momentse With all good wishes, I an, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Rdueation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAglg _