ARTHUR JONATHAN BRECHT Collegiate Scout Association SEDGEWICK BUILDING 69-30 62nd STREET Ridgewood, Long Island, New York November 27, 1940, President & Genera! Manager Mr. Forrest C, Allen Basketball Coach . University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: "Whatts today's date?" "Isntt Kansas U. scheduled to play Fordham at Madison Square Garden a month from now?" "Bet a buck, you'd like to have some mighty interesting scout material on Bordham's 1940 court machine." Well, Mr. Allen, that is the expressed purpose of the "Collegiate Seout Association" here in New York City. We have been following Metropolitan Intercollegiate Basketball games for the last seven years. We can furnish you with detailed information on Ed Kelleher's quintet. Our company can furnish you with the following material about Fordham's Rams $ (1) A detailed account of all of Fordham's games previous to their tussle with Kansas in the Garden. (a) This includes the number of shots taken by each player, the scorer's position on the court, and accurate statistics for each ball game, A replica of our cardboard scouting charts is enclosed. (b) A detailed description of Ed Kelleherts squad, based on material described on the enclosed sheets. Would you be interested in obtaining this information? Our price for the data is twenty-five dollars ($25). We know that our information could help your ball club beat Fordham at the Garden in December. Part of our data would be air-mailed to you by December 15th, and the remain- der previous to your trip Hast. In conclusion, Mr. Allen, when you deal with us, I am confident you'll find us square shooters, and our service second to none, All our reports are kept strictly confidential, you may be assurede Anticipating a reply sometime in the near future, I am Sincerely yours, Cerhen OO MOO a Jon. Brecht AJB:eb resident