me AR “wr 30 MILES “7 11 fr WEST JENS OF DENVER Evergreeh - Glorado july 5, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Alien Director of Physical Edueation University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I have your letter of July 2nd, and want to say at this time thet I have made up my mind definitely that I want to work on my Master's at the University of Kansas this fall. The scholarship you have offered me will be greatly ap- preciated, end as yousaid, I am sure that I can pick up enough officiating to aid me the rest of the way. Mr. Henty mey be able to help some too. I will wait until I receive another letter from you before I tender my resignation to Mr. Dennen. 1 believe I told you in my first letter, that I will be unable to get a re- lease from my contract after July 3lst. I have been wondering if you received my credentials from the University of Nebraska. I requested that they be sent to you some time ago.Should you desire any other infor- mation concerning myself, I will be glad to send it to you at your request. With kindest personal regards, I am, Loupe vouy Bernal Fo oA A arg Bob Raugh oe & THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA IOWA CITY EDUCATIONAL PLACEMENT OFFICE July 8, 1941 East HALL Mr. Forest G. Allen, Head Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas My dear Mr. Allen: Dr. McCloy has called me regarding a position opening on your staff for the coming year, and I am checking to find out whether or not we can be of any service to you in making recommendations, . If you have openings for which you would like some suggestions, we will be very glad, indeed, to have you write us. ‘I will appreciate hearing from you. Very sincerely yours, pe ee A. Frances M. Camp : Director FMC:PS duly 12, 1941. Edusetiomal Placement Offiee,s State University of Iow, Iowe. City, Towte Dear Mies Camp: Sth instant regarding the opening on our steffs . We heve filled this position with lt. Henry Shenk, whe hac been in the Junction City, Kansas, public schools. Mrs Shenk is a University of Kansas alumus, and has taken his graduate work et the University of Wisconsine We feel very fortumte in being able to secure ire Shonke Sincerely yours, tdreetor of Physica] Education and Recreation, FOAAR : Varsity Basketball Coaches July 12, 1941. Deas’ Dean Schwoglers : : x an anihontag Son otyles of the appointment blank for Robert We Raugh, for an assistantship in the De- : partment of Physical Edusation at $500000 for the @eademic year 1941-42, Meee ceate int ee at ce ck Sincerely yours, Mrector of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAsAH yarsity Basketball Coach. Ente oe Pe Se I might mention that due to the fact that we had to take $300.00 from our allowence for the men to use on Miss Sohillinc's enlary wo are using non like John Cress and Bob Raugh to teach our mon students. They are both pure suing work on their laster's degrees. s FCeode UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS hie li i To the Chancellor: I hereby recommend the 76m SahopoMnseney Of... ARR, Ti, Ramage... are DPOTHRStOr = whose present address is............ Spoutdale 1520 Hoad SsFaicor Peterboro, Ontario, Playgrounds. 1921 Chief Renger, Ontario trail Rengor Comp. 1922 Opened Playgrounds, Oak Park, Illinois. : 1923 Opened Ock Park Area Boy Scout Comp, Bridgeman, Michigan. 1924 Director Suburban Council Scout Camp, Leke Delevan, Wisconsin. 1925 Playground Director, Chicago Park Systom. 1926 Program Director, Private Comp, Rainy Lake, Minnesota. 1927 Opened East Park Board Playgrounds, Highland Pork, Illinois. 1928-30+31-37 &38 Summer School and Part-Time Work. 1929 Organizcd North Shore Day Camp, Highland Park, Illinois. 1933 Organized and operated through '354,'55, & '36, Wolverine Country Dey Camp, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1939 Managed Ocean Beach, Clark Lake, Michigom. 1940 Uni versity of Michi gon, Sumner Sessic ene My Go ance 19 4 f fe te ae. echyre ne oa tae ldrks tgp ADDITIONAL WORK EXPERIENCE. During the World War Textile Industry and Agriculture. During Vacations salesman in metropolitan dopartmont stores. Gs Data re HAROLD W. COPP summarized S ME” (Page 2) PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS: Local Teacher's Club; State Michigan Education Association; National Education Association. Local, State, and National Parent Teacher Association. [cal Physical Education Association, State Socicty and National Eesogiation of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation. National Recreation Association. Wental Hygiene Association. Public Health Association. School Health Association. School Administrators Association. FRATERNITIES : oo Sociology- Alpha Kappa Delta Educotion=- Phi Delta Kappa Physical Education- Phi Epsilon Kappa, Sigma Delta Psi Community Relationships on Committees while in Kalamazoo 1936=39s Recreation Council- Served as Chairman & Vice President; also representative of the Public Schools. Amcrican Youth Hostels- Acted as Chairman of the Regional Committee for Southwestern Michigan to promote A. Y. H. Yankee Springs Project- Served on tho Advisory Comittee sponsoring the development of the National Park Domonstration areca for Comping e Michigen Mental Hygiene Association- Served on the Educational Committee sponsoring the Mental Hygienc Movement. amorican Red Cross- Served on the committee representing the interests of children in the K-lamazoo Public Schools. Civic Leagues Served on the Case Study Comittee dealing with caso workers working with maladjusted childrene Souneil of Social Agencies- Scrved as Chairman of the Group Work and Recreational Committces. (Group Work included Y.M.CeA., Y.W.C.A., Boy Scouts, Comping, otc.) Chomber of Commerce- Served on the Publio Health Committee representing the interests of children. Served on the Safety Committee dealing with problems of Bicycle Safety ctce American Association of Health Physical Egueation and Recreation- Acted as Mid-West representative for the Division of Health Instructione Southwestcorn Michigan Physical Education Association. WESTERN UNION TELEGRAM September 30, 1940 Mre John Cress 2710 Ne Mildred Chicago, Illinois Mre Fred Wagner 50 Maple Street Crystal Lake, Illinois WOULD YOU BE INTERESTED IN PART TIME POSITION HERE PHYSICAL EDUCATION GYMNASTICS WHICH WOULD PERMIT GRADUATE STUDY SALARY FOUR TO FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS. UNEXPECTED DEVELOPMENTS MAKE SLIGHT DEPARTMENTAL ADJUSTMENT NECESSARY HERE. WIRE COLLECT WESTERN UNION. Forrest C. Allen "CLASS OF SERVICE 120: 4 SYMBOLS 7 This is a full-rate DL=Day Letter Telegram or Cable- eS — its de- : NL=Night Letter erred character is in- dicate as a suitable JN N | (30 LC=Deferred Cable symbol above or pre- T=Cabl ceding the address. ba i R. B. WHITE NEWCOMB CARLTON J. Cc. WILLEVER ~ Ship Radiogram 7 PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is ny SEP TIME at point of destination Received at 646 Massachusetts St., Lawrence, Kansas. Phone 2764 EP 3 KA i - c KABD3S 37 BDL COLLECT 5 EXTRA=CHAMPAIGN ILL 25 1053A FORREST C ALLER. DIR OF PHYSICAL E DUCATI! ON= UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS KR= WE WOULD SUGGEST AS OUR BEST MAN AVAILABLE FRANCIS DUNN, 1223 A SULLIVAN AVE STLOUIS.ALSO FRED WAGNER 50 MAPLE STREET CRYSTALLAKE ILLINOIS WILL SUGGEST ANOTHER MAN TOMORROW WHEN I GET HIS ADDRESS= RAY DUNCAN PHYSICAL EDUCATION PLACEMENT SERVICE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOISs a he : isp 1225 A 5© THE COMPANY ‘WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTION Eris Y ONCHRNING ITS SERVICE POSSIBLE INSTRUCTORS FOR PHYSICAL ED. DEPT. Referred by Ray Duncan, University of Illinois: John Cress 2710 Ne Mildred (best gymnast available) Chicago, Illinois Francis Dunn 1223 A Sullivan Ave. Ste Louis, Moe Fred Wagner 50 Maple Street Crystal] Lake, Illinois Referred by E. G. Schroeder, Iowa City, Iowa: No candidates . CLASS OF SERVICE 1201 SYMBOLS wo is a aoe 5 8 i DL=Day Letter elegram or Cable- ( Ji a = unless its de- NL=Night Letter erred character is in- LC=Deferred Cabl dicated by a suitable : mire 3 symbol above or pre- a NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. R. B. WHITE NNEWCOMB CARLTON J. ©. WILLEVER > Ship Radiogram 7 PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination Received at 646 Massachusetts St., Lawrence, Kansas. Phone 2764 = tase é ' e ~ r \KAD27 13=1OWACETY 10WA 27 849A 70 SEP 27 AN 10-01 FORREST C ALLEN UNIV. OF KANSAS KR= OUR SURVEY OF POSSIBLE CANDIDATES SHOW NONE AVAILABLE WHO COULD FILL YOUR REQUIREMENTS= E G SCHROEDER» — THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING /ITS IsERVICE | September 24, 1940 LeWe St. John Director of Athletics Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio Seward F,. Staley, Head Department of Physical Education University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois Professor Ee Ge Schroeder, Head Department of Physical Education University of Iowa Iowa City, Iowa UNEXPECTED DEVELOPMENTS MAKE SLIGHT DEPARTMENTAL READJUSTMENT NECESSARY. COULD YOU SUGGEST MAN INTERESTED IN GRADUATE STUDY SALARY FOUR TO FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS. REQUIRE EXPERT GYMNAST. EE DESIRABLE CANDIDATE Ceca” SHOULD HAVE PROFICIENCY GOLF, TENNIS AND SWIMMING, WIRE WESTERN UNION. Forrest Ce Allen Sotober 30, 1940 Ure Fred C. Wagner Crystal Lake, Tllincis Dear lire Wagners | his is to kindly inform you that the Committeo selected Mr». John Cress, & gradunte of the Mhiversity of Tllincis, = en eee ee a ee ee eres Education, University of Kenzat. We aro returning herewith your photograph and oredentialse Sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical Education and Recreation | Varsity Basketball Coach FCAsig October 5, 1940 Ure Fred Co: Magner 50 Maple Street Crystal lake, Tilinois Dear lirs ments : ‘The Comittee on Selection is not eble to mks a decision at the present tints Your credentials ere being studied and I | assure you your application will be given every cone sideration, You will hear from me very shortlye #§ Sincerely yours. Director of Physical Education and Reereation Varsity Basketball Coach | FCAsig 50 Maple Street Crystal lake, Illinois August 2, 1940 : Forest C. Allen Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: I received your telegram this morning instructing me to send my credentials to you. I have wired the University of Illinois placement bureau to send you my credentials, This summer, August 1940, I received my Bachelor of Science Deeree from the University of Illinois. I have a double major in physical education, a major in biology, and a minor in the commercial subjects. Bnelosed is a data sheet: including references, edu- cation, extra curricular activities, and personal experience, Thanking you for your interest shown with my _— cation 1 am Very truly yours, Fal C6 Wage Fred C, Wagner Ene, & WESTERN UNION TELEGRAM Octe 1, 1940 Nightletter Mre Fred Wagner 50 faple Street Crystal Lake, Illinois SEND QUALIFICATIONS AND CREDENTIALS AIRMAIL AT ONCE. WILL NOTIFY RE POSITION WHEN THEY ARE RECEIVED. Forrest C. Allen WESTERN UNION TELEGRAM Oct. 1, 1940 Nightletter Mre Fred Wagner 50 Maple Street Crystal Lake, Illinois SEND QUALIFICATIONS AND CREDENTIALS AIRMAIL AT ONCE. WILL NOTIFY RE POSITION WHEN THEY ARE RECEIVED. Forrest C,. Allen CLASS OF SERVICE E S E 1201 SYMBOLS lee ; ] i m unless its de- . NL=Nighte Letter fred chart U N I O N 16 Dterd a Se Saget da : NLT =Cable Night Leteer R. B. WHITE See CARLTON J. Cc. WILLEVER + Ship Radiogram ( PRESIDENT FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT _ The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and ly letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STAND cr at — of destinati ion _ Received at 646 Massachusetts St., Lawrence, Kansas. Phone Bree : ul Mi ! o 3 c KAD14 17 NT COLLECT=CRYSTALLAKE ILL SEP 350 Ss © Milee KANSAS UNIVERSITY= WILL ACCEPT POSITION OF PHYSICAL INSTRUCTOR WILL REPORT WHEN YOU LET ME KNOW EVERYTHING IS SATISFACTORY= :FRED WAGNERs THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE