December 25, 1940 Mire Roland Logan Head Trainer UeSe Military ‘West Point, New York Dear Roland; I have been informed that there is no diner on the train on which we arrive from Buffalesg the same arriving at Vest Point at 9320 Asiie in the morning, on December 26_ Since the boys will not F possibly get to bed too early, leaving Niagara and Buffalo, I will _ adept the Scoteh plan of letting them sleep a little late in the morning so they will forget about breakfast until they awakens I am wondering if you would be kind enough to make some arrengenent for us for breakfast at one of the restaurants or ons of the eating places nearbye Something like a 50g meal of the kind that midewesterners are accustomed to will satisfy us perfectlye Of course, if we cannot get it for 50¢ in the east, we will pay more, but we countryefolks are accustomed to plain faree Therefore, we will appreciate any arrangement that you might make in our behalf. I have written Cole Hibbs asking that he make a reservation for my daughter, Eleanor, who is a sophomore in the College here, and who has a dance date with one of the Cadets for the 27th. I dislike to bother him, but Eleanor desired to stay at the Thayer Hotel the nights of the 26th and the 27th, and I thought I had better take time by the forelock and endeavor to make arrangements before the time of our arrival, which might be too lates Therefore, if you can make this arrangement without disturbing Col, Hibbs, I will be grateful Thanking you in advance for your kindness and hoping to © see you Thursdey morning, I an, | ' Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAslg