December 18, 1940 Mre Roland Logan Head Trainer West Point, New York Dear Roland: It was mighty nice of you to handle the matter as you have donee We appreciate it very muche In 1922 “Potsy" Clark and I took the football team to — West Point and of ail the places I visited I believe that was topes with mée Upon five other occasions I have visited West Point and with each one I get a greater thrill. We have a fine bunch of youngsters who are mostly students and not athletes, but they pley a good brand of ball for their calibers The railroad company has planned to route us from Buffale to Albany, beeause of the condition of the weather at this time, and we will come dowm on your side of the rivers It will be good to see you and we will eagerly look forward to the morning of December 26. With all good wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach = RAslg