January 4, 1941 Mire Roland Logan Head Trainer of Athletic Team UeSe Military Academy West Point, New York Dear Rolands I have finished a letter of gratitude to Cole LeEs Hibbs, Major OeKe Wiess and Capte Ede Messenger, thanking them for their exe ceptional hospitality to us while we were at the UeSe Military Acadenye This letter would not be complete without expressing to you the feeling of our boys when they said, that they uot only thought you were & regular fellow, but you even went out of your way to show then the best hospitality that they had seen on the tripe The trip to the Academy will always be a highelight that will thrill the boys to their dying daye | : | There is something about that historic structure there at the Point that gives every American youth an exalted feelings Through the many years great heroes have emerged from the Militery Academy and stood out as beacon lights to’ these young Americans so that they consider it & great benefit to be in such an enviroment, if only for a short whiles The fact that these graduates of the Academy who have becone officers are of such fine and genteel fiber, so commonplace and easy to get acquainted with thet the boys were enrantured with them, caused the -team to vote them ithe best of American goodse. ; While the students at the Academy go through this strenuous life, I lmow that they perhaps feel that it is a very hard grind, but there are compensations in all the hard struggling they mdergoe No civilian ever visits the Academy, I am sure, without peying e silent and deep debt to these men who through their courage and sacrifice exalt and 1ift up the mind of those visitorse Roland, I want to thank you personally for all the Pine things you did for use if at any time I can be of any service to you in any 3 way I will be happy to have you call on mee Until that debt is paid I wish you a Very Happy and Prosperous New Yeare ily kindest regards to your familys : Sincerely yours, | FOAslg _ Director of Physical Education and Recreation . | Varsity Basketball Coach