in Bo examination questions from year to year, even. guinea so far as to determine just what pedagogue received this or that epistle and noting upon whom it should or should not be used at the next future time. You and I both know that the students on this great American frontier used expert “ponies" long before and during the automobile age, and that professors who caused students to sign the "no eribbing” exam blank knew full well that many who signed were either going to crib or had already done so, Just as long as students are required to do many things in which they have no interest, these "get by" rackets will be indulged in with no qualm of the conscience. The athlete is already and many times discriminated against. Just why should the finger of suspicion be pointed at a two fisted, healthy American boy because he wants to play a game in which he excels? Why should he be hailed into an academic court, lectured to, and caused to sign papers and also to declare orally that he is without stain of professional guilt any more then the music or art student who is not only paid a tidy sum for singing tn a church choir but, in addition, is given credit toward graduation for his singing. , No credit is given the athlete for partici- pating in daily two hour practice drills on the football field, and if he should go down town and play a game with an outside team, even without remuneration, he would automatically become ineligible. If the athlete should referee a game of any kind for the same amount of money that the singer receives for his