ots of endeavoring to influence members of the American Olympie Committee who should have a right to exercise their free ballot. There would be ne eountey ia the world thet would endeaver te hold Olympic games but what some creed or class of people could bring up their grievances as a bar to these games, We have great sympathy for the Jewish people when we consider Hitler's atrocious treatment of then, but in the name of sportsmanship, etter thiresse hes been heard, let the pesple in authority of the games decide without coercion ani embarrassing hindrance. Without discrimination for or against the athlete, but let us discriminate against the drunkard at our college football games. Drinking has become @ serious menace to the very existence of the sport. All directors and coaches agree that the present conditions are intolerable and publie opinion must be aroused to stop drinking in the stands. Let the feetball dpankerds imow thet they ave decidedly unpopular with their neighbors in the stands. _ You expect the boys on the field to give you a clean, manly, inspiring exhibition. Let us make the spectator background one of decent behavior that matches the standard set by our athletic representatives. It is a queer and curious thing with what sags and drops our behavioyr takes at football games. Some of our so-called respectable people would not openly pull out a flask and drink on the public street. Yet at a football game it is chic. Quite the thing to do to appear smart.