My. Je P. Wellemeyer, _ Wyandotte High School, Kansas City, Kansas. Dear Mr. Wellemsyer: 7 | ie Might I kindly call your attention to the little item of my expense account when I spoke at Suivira Lake on April Sth? ee : I have had a rather bad experience with my Buick. I have. paid over $80.00 in the last two months on repair. I am sure i? you drive a car how repair bills pile up, if your car is ' three or four years old. I have never wanted to make anything ev on my speeches, but since the University and the State do not provide an expense accoumt, I feel that Tf should not be penalised for doing this service. : The way bills have run up, $7.00 would hardly pay the ex- pengses. : . With kindest regerds and best wishes, I an Very sincerely yours, _-_ Direotor of Physical Education, PCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach.