February 26, 1945, i I My. Claude A. Weloh, — Superintendent of Schools, Pawnee Rock, Kansas. Dear Superintendent Welch: Thenk you for your very gracious letter of the 17th instant. I do have a pretty busy schedule. The dates now closed are: March 8, March 12-17, Maroh 22, March 23-24, and March 27. I have a few additional letters asking for dates, but somehow I ean always errange to work them in in a rather flexible sched- ulee I have a teaching schedule this next meee but can arrange that also. a After you look over these dates, please chin me an idea as to when you would like for me to come. Regarding fees, my policy is always to live and let. live. ae 3 Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, \ Varsity Basketball Coach.