Airhison County Community igh Srhonl FRANK L. HUNN, Principal Lifingham, Ransas April 30, 1945 ie. 2. CG. Allens University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: We want you to know that we greatly appreciate your taking the time and making the effort nec- essary to be here and speak to our boys, who are out for athletics. Before you came, the boys were very insistent that they wanted you to be their speaker that night. I am sure that no one waS disappointed. I have heard favorable comments from somany of them and from their fathers relative to your talk here. What you said was very much worthwhile, then, the way you said it made it enjoyable for them to hear. Again, let me thank you for not only being with us at this time but also for many other favors. A check is enclosed which will help a little toward keeping that Buick running and your good work going on. With kindest personal regards. Sineerely yours, AA fone FLH: we PrP. S.. i am sorry, but I don*t always proecras~ tinate this way. It was March 28 you were here and the fact that I had overlooked communicating with you escaped my notice until this morning.