4 6 FACULTY | G E R | Hi h S h BOARD OF EDUCATION F. H. Bailey, Principal rinne ura ig cnoo Guy Hughes, Director Mathematics & Science Glenn Eastlack, Clerk Olive King, Home Economics, Rated Class A J. P. Mather, Treasurer Social Science Betty Hadley, Commerce Margaret Kyner, Music & English # coraee 33. 19 45 George Pearce, Industrial Arts ‘ DPecr. Ge BABS Dept. of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Allen: The Community Club will sponsor a Basket Ball Banquet here for the High School Boys sometime in April. There Will be 125 to 150 plates spread at this Banquet. Would it be possible for you to be our guest speaker on that occasion? The date could be suited to your con- venience. I plan on inviting coaches of the neighboring schools. I shall be glad to hear from you at your earliest convenience, Sincerely yours, FY, 8... Bailey Principal of High School . fhb:vw