May 24, 1945. Mr. Harold R. Elliott, Basketball Coach, = Russel], Publis Schools, | 3 Russell, Kensas. : Degr Coach Bliiott: | IT want you to know how very much I appreciate your | kindly cooperation in working with Herbert Mishselis. I. expect to get hold of some of the Sigma Nu fraternity brothers of Walter's and see if they can't pep up his enthusiasm for coming to the University. Won't you write me as to his reactions after I left? I am definitely anxious thet we have him here. It was good to hawe a visit with Yous With all good wishes, I am Very sinoerely yours, | : 3 Director of Physical Education, POA sAH io Varsity Basketball Coach. a ie’ whi i stati! et Hijal i a i aigili ; ik ij § 32585 Ale 5 4 au ing A Baa i Tile 3 iS in tee 4p 5 i F it: aa2 Neath PL aes Li iti rH. a GRRL aie aha 23h sie April 26, 1945. Mr. Harold Kk. Elliott, Basketball Coach, Russell Public Schools, Russell, Kansas. sungiek ek eneetins te fixed up for our May “2né meeting. Tt Ail be a great pleasure to 9 visit with you and other good Rotarians, end Herbert Mishaelis. | Director of Fhysioal Biueation, THE RUSSELL PUBLIG SCHOOLS . Office of THOMAS L. IDEN, Superintendent . . . .- 11] RUSSELL, KANSAS April 25, 1945 Forrest C. Allen, Varsity Basketball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Allens I have your letter of the 23rd and the copy of the one sent to Herbert Michaelis. I am sorry that Herb did not contact you as I had suggested to him. He is a little shy and it may have gotten the better of him at the time. He knew you were to be out here in May, however, I thought you might like to meet him in Lawrence. Herb is a good basketball player despite his being a little shy. Herb is a Junior Rotarian and will be to the meeting on May 22nd. I have been invited and will see that he meets you after the meeting. I am sure the members of the Rotary Club are very happy to have you as their guest speaker on May 22. Personally, I am very glad you are coming. I will see you then. Very truly if ai Hareid RB. EFllictt, Basketball Coach. April 23, 1945. Mr. Harold Re Elliott, , Basketball Coach, Russell Public Schools, Russell, Kansas. Dear Coach Elliott: ae é However, I em expecting po be in Russell on May 22 where I + ‘The Rotarians are to entertain the Junior Rotarians. So, if agreeable to you, if you will speak to Herb I will make it a point to see him after the Rotary meeting. 7 | ation regarding Herbert's exeeptional abili e« You gan be assured that I will be most happy to have him, and if he comes this swmer we will do a lot of work on him hare prior to the SORHON. | = | ; : Direetor of Physical Education, - POCAsAH 3 Varsity Basketball Coach. : April 23, 1945. Ur. Herbert R. Michaelis, + 406 Fossil Street, Russell, Kansas. — - Dear Herbert: that I » 1 will see you on May I am sorry that I missed you, 1 of your possible University letter | lliott. net able to eontact you when earbon sopy of the Mr. Hasvold R. B tt sta a3 4a ‘Be Z ah Very sinserely yours, - Direstor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. FCA:AH THE RUSSELL PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2 OHlice OF THOMAS 1 “TDENG Supetimcndene 2, 5 RUSSELL, KANSAS April 17, 1945 Forrest C. Allens; Basketball Coach of Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Allens Herbert R. Michaelis, 406 Fossil Street, Russell, Kansas, is thinking of enrolling in K. U. this summer or next fall for what work he can complete before being called into the army. He will graduate from high school May 26 and will not be eighteen until April 11, 1946. Herb is the best potential basketball player Russell has had in the last seven years. He is over 6' 3" and weighs about 175. He played end on the football team and is on the track team throwing the weights and running the 220 on relays. Herb has very quick reaction and has a very good -gye for the basket. He was our leading scorer this yeardAan aver- age of eleven points in 24 games while playing forward on offense and guard on defense. He was playing with a center as large as he. It was largely due to Herb that Russell qualified for the State Finals at Emporia in Class A. He scored 13 points against Turner who won over us by three points. He is an excellant rebounder. He is well liked by all and the boys named him honorary captain for 1944-45. He is very interested in basketball and works hard at it. Much to my regret Herb is graduating in three years. He hopes to get in a full year of University work before he goes to the army. His grades average a low 'B'. I am writing to you now as Herb is planning to be with the track team attending the K. U. Relays. I would like for him to talk to you and have suggested that he contact yuu while in Lawrence. I really believe you can use Herb and I believe he can hold his own on the basketball floor with almost anyone under eighteen in the State. Yours very Pe Harold Re Elliott, Basketball Coach. amt sant oat ‘ptoted etefords teas of ee Oe es er ee ae firga Tine testdate ef Joa © alien tease Vacs crake egncet seve Fal ae ek eae tee et' ahs to big a : = atslea oh Oe by pceba sie art i Mey 16, 1945. Mr. Thomas L. Iden, : Superintendent of Schools, ao Ne Russell, Kensas. ? Dear Superintendent Iden: I am writing to confirm the arrangements made through Mr. Guy Keeler for me to speak to your Rotary Club on Tuesday a at which time your Junior Rotarians will be in ea e * : I assure you I am very happy to have this opportunity to meet with your fine group. Looking forward with pleasure to greeting you, I am Very sinerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. May 9, 1945. » Russell MoeCoy, Supersnenden Schools, | Dear so diesel MoCoy: I have your letter of May 3rd enclosing the class announcement. Mine o'clock in the evening will be satis- . factory. I will come to the school tiilding when I arrive in Reading. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Rducation, — FPCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Reading Public Schools RUSSELL McCOY, SuPT. READING, KANSAS May 3, 1945 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director cf Physiesl Eduesticn Varsity Basketball Ceach University of Kansas Lavrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: thank you for your letter giving us the tépic of yeur address for cur high schcel commencement. We were requested to schedule the exereises to be- gin at 9:00 p. m. because of the farmers whe rust de their chores and drive in from the ccuntry. I sincerely hcpe this dees net make it tee late fer yeu. Yeu will prebsbly find me st the schecl building when yeu srrive in Reading. Sincerely yours, Russell McCey, Vay 2, 1945. Mr. Russell McCoy, Superintendent of Schools, Reading, Kansas. Dear Mr. MoCoys My topic at your high school commencement exercises on May 15th will be, “You Playing your Part in this World at T am locking forward to greeting you at that time. Very sincerely yours, ? Director of Physical Rawcation, POA: AH Varsity Basketball Geach. , March 29, 1945, Mr. Russell McCoy, Superintendent of Sehools,. Reading, Kansas. Dear Superintendent MoCoy: { au definitely counting on being with you for your high school conmencement exercises on Tuesday, May 15th. The schools have been kind enough to pay me 925.00 and expenses. As you know, the state does not provide travel allowance for these trips. It will be a pleasure to see you. Sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Bducation, PCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Reading Public Schools RUSSELL McCOY, SUPT. READING, KANSAS Mareh 26, 1945 Dr. Forrest C. Alien Pref. ef Physical Eduestion University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: At last I have time to write this letter tc cenfirm my recent phone cai] for yeur services as our ecrmencement speaker. The date for cur ccermencerent will be Tuesday, May 15th, 1945 st 9:00 p.m. OK eens Se As seen ss I receive yevur reply, stating thst ycu have this date reserved for us, I Bhall have the printer cemplete cur anncuncerents end programs. In case yeu wish me te include the title cf yveur address in cur pregrams, vlesse mention it in your reply snd I shall be glac te de sc. T sincerely hepe thst yeu have held this date fcr us and swsit your reply, Very ey eae / Russell Le ee r - S. Alse plesse mention the srcvnt cf meney for cur board te reserve fcr your services snd trip sxpense te Reading. Then I can srrange it during ene cf our beard reetings. 2 _ Mareh 15, 1945. ‘Mr. Russell McCoy, | Superintendent of Schools, Reading, Kansas. Dear Mr. MeCoy: I am very sorry that the dates you mentioned, May 16, 17 end 18, have already been filled on my calendar with high school commencements. So far, I do not have any prior to May 16, nor any after May 18. If some other date would be convenient for you, I would be very happy to come. — Thank you for asking me. I sincerely trust a date oan be arranged. | Vary cordially your's, - - Dipeotor of Physical Mducation, FCA:AK Varsity Basketball Coach. Reading Public Schools RUSSELL McCOY, SuPT. READING, KANSAS March 6, 1945 Forrest C, Allen D, O, Professor of Physical Education University of Kensas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen; The Board of Education has authorized me to write you in regard to giving our high school commencement address, Possible dates for the exercises are the evening of May 16, 17, or 18, Kindly notify me if you can accept any of the three dates mentioned, Thank you, Progren~-Cont. Presentation of Grade Sehool Tean--- Hate a onmels Bs Bacon : Presentat on of High School | Lettermen------+--F, Hi, Bailey Address-Dr. Fa Ge. (Phog) Allen | Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas Guests of the domnuntty Club and High School: — Alumni of University of Kansas | sich antadanian! tom Coaches | ee as eS pia ons late Bester? + Sas uh ce po Seruckhorf (ta Service)3 yras ; pe Iwke. eacak ea es 1 yrs e = — Rietoheck (in Service) oo Pe Ee ‘Balley-cCoach es HIGH SCHOOL RECORD ‘A--Squad: © Won 9=-Lust 7 B--Squad: | Won 9-~Lost 1 GRADE SCHOOL 3QUAD Emanuel Kinderknecht Wesley Mather Wilfred Gallion Lee Roy Bechard Johnuy Swart Freddy Struckhoff Sunny Weinhardt Billy Gene Bechard B. B, Bacon-~Coach March 28, 1945. ur, F. H. Bailey, Prineipal, Grinnell Rural High Sehool, Grimell, Kansas. Dear Mr. Baileys = = = , ie ; It was most generous of you to arrange for my leaving at 9315 peme April 11. I do appreciate that. However, I have made other errangenents that will not _ for that early meeting un~- less you desire it. I may travel part of the way by motor car and I now release you from that arrangement if you wish it. I never like to jump in and out of a meeting without having an opportunity to shake hands with the many friends and guests. It does something that we people from the University should do more of. It allows us to become better acquainted with the people who help pay our taxes and maintain this fine sehool as well as the other splendid schools of the state. For that reason, I will not hurry away. I do want you to know, however, I appreciate it. \ f % - Very sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, POA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. ° CLASS OF SERVICE FE; S E RN 1201 SYMBOLS This is a fuil-rate V \ l DL =Day Letter Telegram or Cable- NL=Night Letter gram unless its de- ferred character is in- (45 LC =Deferred Cable dicated by a suitable « 2 symbol above or pre- NLT =Cable Night Letter eding th 7 ceding the address. A. N. WILLIAMS \ Ship Radiogram r PRESIDENT The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. ‘Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination RM Ee KAZ23 9=GRINNELL KANS 26 817A 45 MAR 96 AM 9 3¢ DR EF ALLENS “CARE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS WILL ARRANGE FOR YOUR LEAVING 915 PM APRIL 115 -F H BAILEY we ae ie RF, a Saag ' Fi FPHONED A OD ro ahr ee es ere: ffl «915 PM 115 ' THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE March 22, 1945. Mr. F. He Bailey, Principal, Grinnell Rural High Sehool,. Grinnell, Kansase Dear Ir. Batley: Thank you for your note of the 20th, confirming the dade of April llth. I note that your banquet is at 7 pen., and I will arrive in Grimell prior to that time. I an to speak in Stockton, Kansas, ‘the day before, and will drive over from there. I have asked our publisity sheen, Mr. Edwin Browne, %o send you a half-tone for os ‘in your newspaper’. I am sure” you will receive it from him at a very early date. Looking forward to greeting you, I an Very sincerely yours, Direstor of Physieal Fducation, FOA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. BOARD OF EDUCATION FACULTY : 2 F, ‘i. Bailey, Principal G r i n n € R u r a H+ igh Sc h ool Guy Hughes, Director Mathematics & Science Glenn Eastlack, Clerk ' Olive King, Home Economics, Rated Class A J. P. Mather, Treasurer Social Science Betty Hadley, Commerce Margaret Kyner, Music & English George Pearce, Industrial Arts GRINNELL, KANSAS March 20, 1945 Dr. *, C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: Arrangements are completed for the Basket Ball Banquet to be given April 11 at 7 p.m, There er Cage will be 175 plates spread. Can you send a half a oa tone for the use in the newspaper. Kindly let us know, when you expect to arrive in Grinnell. “inecerely yours, F. H, Bailey Principal of High School fhb‘vw