March 28, 1945. ur, F. H. Bailey, Prineipal, Grinnell Rural High Sehool, Grimell, Kansas. Dear Mr. Baileys = = = , ie ; It was most generous of you to arrange for my leaving at 9315 peme April 11. I do appreciate that. However, I have made other errangenents that will not _ for that early meeting un~- less you desire it. I may travel part of the way by motor car and I now release you from that arrangement if you wish it. I never like to jump in and out of a meeting without having an opportunity to shake hands with the many friends and guests. It does something that we people from the University should do more of. It allows us to become better acquainted with the people who help pay our taxes and maintain this fine sehool as well as the other splendid schools of the state. For that reason, I will not hurry away. I do want you to know, however, I appreciate it. \ f % - Very sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, POA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.