Reading Public Schools RUSSELL McCOY, SUPT. READING, KANSAS Mareh 26, 1945 Dr. Forrest C. Alien Pref. ef Physical Eduestion University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: At last I have time to write this letter tc cenfirm my recent phone cai] for yeur services as our ecrmencement speaker. The date for cur ccermencerent will be Tuesday, May 15th, 1945 st 9:00 p.m. OK eens Se As seen ss I receive yevur reply, stating thst ycu have this date reserved for us, I Bhall have the printer cemplete cur anncuncerents end programs. In case yeu wish me te include the title cf yveur address in cur pregrams, vlesse mention it in your reply snd I shall be glac te de sc. T sincerely hepe thst yeu have held this date fcr us and swsit your reply, Very ey eae / Russell Le ee r - S. Alse plesse mention the srcvnt cf meney for cur board te reserve fcr your services snd trip sxpense te Reading. Then I can srrange it during ene cf our beard reetings.