Mareh il, 1944. Mx. Maurice L. Breidenthal, President, Seourity Wational Bank, Kansas City, Kansas. Dear Maurice: I always succumb to the wiles of a banker. Somehow I oan always detect more than a gleam of human kindness in your glass eye. You have something in the heart. And to be utterly frank with you, I like you a lot. So any time you ask me to do anything you can always ‘sount on it if there is any way for me to make connections. I will -be with you on April 6th, Thursday noon, at the Gould Hotel. I too wonder why in the dickens they ask me up there so much. You should give me a button. And when you mention my age, you know that because you know how old you are! I received a nice letter from Maurice, Jr., giving me his new address. We are keeping him on the mailing list for our Jayhawk Rebounds. With all good wishes, I an Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Eduoation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.