a - Gi ® "GEORGE “ASHINGTON CARVER" by Rachman Holt, was re- viewed by our Minister before an enthusiastic, respon- Sive audience that almost filled the sanctuary last Wednesday evening. Combined with Mrs. Kay's original poems, given as mugical readings, with Liss Zieger at the organ, and with cake and coffee in the Social Hall afterward - it was an enjoyable and profitable evening. Thanks to the Fellowship Department, Richard R. Cox, Chairman and his associates. Note: The- Bulletin went to press before Rev. Duenow presented "Indigo". A large crowd was anticipated. Woe MRS. M. DALE 'VALKER has resigned as teacher of the High School Girl's Class, after more than four years of faith- ful service.e ’e commend her for the good work she has done and hope that she will let us make use of her ser- vices as substitute teacher whenever needed. ee HAROLD G. EKLUND has been appointed Head Usher and will make an effort to insure that every person attending our church services is comfortably scated. x & MRS. CHAS. EB. DEFABAUGH has been appointed Superintendent of the Beginners Department and assumed her new duties last Sunday. , ie A SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT has been organized, with Ae T. Purinton as tencher. This department should de- velop into one of. the largest. and finest departments cf our Church School. 1 ee TO CONSERVE PaRKING SPACE on Nall avenue, it hus been suggested that we all park our curs diagonally. i ee OUR VISITORS LAST SUNDAY: Mrs- Re %. Halford, 5809 5°th Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. E- J- Feig, and Beverly, 5800 Vista; Phillip Fox, 6008 Outlook; Don Storay, 3008 Bllege; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Speck, 5105 Rosewood; ifiss Juanita Mathes, 111 1 29th, Kansas City, Knsas. * os 38