February 18, 1944. Capt. Ronald I. Sieben, F.A-, Chief, Special Service Branch, Fort Leavenworth, Kausas. Dear Captain Sieben: We enjoyed our visit very much with you and Mrs. Sieben © at the Service Club. I am writing you to give you my dates in March, as you suggested. The State, District and Regional Physical Education Conventions are scheduled in Topeka from March 3 to 9, inclusive, although I may not attend then. Also, on March Sth the Co-op Club is entertaining our basketball team at a banquet that evening. On March 14th I an to spec at alapaienee. Missouri. Maw 30 ar 15 would ouit we, and at the present time I have nothing scheduled for the followim, week. If you will ee ee eee eee happy to follow your wishes. Sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical Education, POCA :AiH Varsity Basketball Coach. .