c.L. BURT R. W. BINFORD BURT & BINFORD CONTRACTORS SEWERS, WATERWORKS AND PAVING 507-515 WEST SECOND TELEPHONE 606 ADDRESS REPLY TO HUTCHINSON, KANSAS BOX 239° = Se SANDS KANSAS) S31 Mareh 1944 Mir. Phog Allen University of Kansas Lewrence, Kansas Dear Phog: Mrs. Keith Hayes advises that you expect to make a talk at the Reosevelt School the evening of April 11th and will arrive here at approximately 4:45 P.M. on the I have talked to Rey Davis and if you are not otherwise tied up we would like to have a few of the alumni together for dinner at about six that evening. Kindly advise whether or not this meets @ith your approval. Yours sincerely, C.L Gert Ce tle Burt elb p