February 11, 1944. Ur. Don Isett, litan Supply Co., 602-616 Third St. 3.3, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Dear Dons I am to speak at Hutchinson, Kansas, at the Parent- Teachers Association on Tuesday, April 11. April 6 and 15 are available, but I imagine April 6 would be the better date for you. I understand the train comections are pretty bad, and I have Mr. Cote, our Sante Fe agent, looking them up. I was afraid if I spoke at Hutchinson on the lith I could not make the scomection on the 15th, with train comections as they are. So let us suggest April 6th, if agreeable to you. Mr. Cote has just called and he says I will have a very difficult time getting out of Cedar Rapids and then getting out of Marshalltown so that ! can get back into Kansas City at any reasonable time. Can you help me in my itinerary? Are there any connections that I could make that would allow me to get bask into Kansas City at a reasombile time? I know that you know the rail connections and I will ask you to advise me. Mr. Cote tells me that I would leave Kansas City about 11:30 p.m. on the Chicago, Great Western. That goes through Des Moines and arrives in Marshalltown about noon. Then we get out of Marshalltom at 12:52 and arrive in Cedar Rapids at 2:35 in the afternoon. Is this the best comection? I would be glad for you to advise me. — Anticipating your reply and thanking you for your _ kindness in having the honorarium raised a ten spot, I am, with kindest personal regards, Sincerely yours, ; Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH ~ Varsity Basketball Coach.