= = g a Perr tae 2 C. A. HARSHBARGER, CHIEF DEPUTY - TELEPHONE DREXEL 1600 IF WE PLEASE YOU TELL OTHERS IF NOT, TELL US ook ‘ Pe ey ait ita es = ide fe rithiat aie a re A re see Das SS > 2 Rpg eLie a oer Wale Feet fe a AES os Seen tat aera” L. GC. MADDOX REGISTER OF DEEDS WYANDOTTE COUNTY KANSAS CITY, KANSAS The Reverend Gene Frank of the Washington Avenue Methodist Church is to be the Toastmaster. I trust you will be able to get along with this gentleman. I am enclosing two tickets on which which you will find other information you will need. I sincerely hope Mrs. Allen will be able to accompany you on this trip. This is to be an informal affair. | If there is any other information you might need, kindly write me and I will endeavor to furnish it. Thanking you again for your kindness in accepting our invitation to speak before us, I remain Yours very truly, - | On Marek ee Ce Ae Harshbargere