C. A. HARSHBARGER, CHIEF DEPUTY TELEPHONE DREXEL 1600 IF WE PLEASE YOU TELL OTHERS IF NOT, TELL US L. C. MADDOX REGISTER OF DEEDS WYANDOTTE COUNTY KANSAS CITY, KANSAS April 15, 1944, Dr. F. G. Allen, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Allen: This letter is a reminder of the after dinner speech you have agreed to make before the Kansas City, Kansas Church Bowling League, Thursday night, April 27th. The members of the league are indeed very much pleased to know that you have so graciously accepted this invitation. For your information, I am going to give you some of the facts concerning this organization. The league was organized in 1954. This is not a money prize league, in other words no individual prizes are issued. We, however, present to the church whose team wins the championship a check for $25.00. This money is given to the church and not to the individual players and must be used for the benefit of that particular church. The league funds are used for social events such as luncheons during the bowling season and usually a banquet at the end of the season, such as we are now planning. In other words we bowl for the pleasure, sportsmanship and the fellowship derived from this particular sport. This banquet will be for the purpose of a good time-- in other words we want to forget the world turmoil for a few minutes and enjoy ourselves. We trust and know that you can talk on sports or other subjects not too serious.