ROBINSON RURAL HIGH SCHOOL Harold A. Cooke ROBINSON, KANSAS 5-26-44 Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir: Thank you very much for your letter of March 2lst in which you stated you would enjoy coming to Robinson to address the Basketball squad at a dinner under the auspices of the Methodist Church Men's Brotherhood. We have done a little soliciting send have succeeded in obtaining the necessary twenty-five dollars; so we are glad to set a definite date of Wednesday, April 19th. Our meeting will start at 7:00 o'clock and we should be out by 9:00 o'clock so you should not be too late getting back to Lawrence if you drive. If you arrive close to 7:00 otclock you could go directly to the Methodist Church but if you arrive early, I would be glad for you to come to my house until time to go over. Will you please notify me if you accept so that we can complete the necessary arrangements for the evening. Harold A. Cooke