March 30, 1944, Mr. Harold A. Cooke, ‘ Robinson Rural High School, Robinson, Kansas. Dear Mr. Cooke: i feel terribly bad about your date. On March 26 I wrote Principal Harry iMeliillan of the Southeast High School, Kensas ‘City, Missouri, that I would speak at his place on Wednesday evening, April 19. I wrote this letter the same date that — | you wrote your letter to ms. It had utterly slipped my mind that you had written for the 19th. Since I have accepted Principal MeMillan's ine vitation I do not see how I can get out of it. I am to speak at Halstead, Kansas, on the 18th, Southweast on the 19th. I dislike to ask you if it would be possible to speak at your place on the 20th. If so, I would be glad to come. Otherwise _ I do not see how I can reneg on the Kansas City date. Please forgive me for this mental lapse, but I assure you it was unintentional. , With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical Edueation, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach.