Dear If. and tre. Settles: It was mighty fine of you-not only to ask me to Bennington, but to ask me in your lovely home. I enjoyed your unequaled hospitality and will always remember my trip to Bennington. Give my kindest regards to our goéd friends there of whom I an very fond. Remember, you are in- vited to Lawrence when you come to visit your in-laws. With all good wishes, I an Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. Don Ross J. L. Harpisty Art HALey PRESIDENT TREASURER CLERK BENNINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS FRED L. SETTLES, SUPERINTENDENT BENNINGTON, KANSAS April 19, 1943 Mes Fu Cs Bileny Pass . Director of Physical Ed. University of Kansas. Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Allen: We shall be happy to have you give our commencement address May 24, and have chosen the topic, "The Way of the Game." We are looking forward with pleasure to hearing you. Sincerely yours, Fred L. Settles Superintendent April 15, 1943. lf. Pred Le Settles, Superintendent of Schools, Bennington, Kansas. Dear Mr. Settles: Ur. Guy V. Keeler has advised me that arrange- ments have been made for me to speak at your commence- ment on May 24th at 8:15 pem. It will be a pleasure for me to be there at that time. Will you kindly choose one of the following topices, and let me know which you would like for me to use? | "You, Playing Your Part" “The Way of the Gane" "fhe Need to Work and to Picht" I shall be happy to hear from you.