| b ae ~~ Churchmen, Elect May” To Head Brotherhood Meeting; Tentative Date Set For May 1 Oscar P, May, Atchison attorney, was elected at a conference in the Presbyterian church last night to head the seventh annual city-wide Men’s Brotherhood meeting tenta- tively scheduled for the first week in’ May. Russell Keithline was elected vice president, Leslie Long was re-elected treasurer, and Har- vey Buckley was re-elected secretary. With some brotherhoods having over 50 per cent of their member- ship in the armed forces, the ques- tion arose as to whether the meet- ing should be held this year. The following opinions were expressed: Bob Jacobs: “If we stop now, we will be in the same position as we were six years ago, namely, no ma- chinery for the meeting, and will have to start all over again.” Mr. May: “Where else can the churchmen and the church leaders of the city meet in one body?” Tom Garvey: ‘Our sons and] grandsons are fighting forour lib- erty and our freedoms. The city- wide Brotherhood association is a real part of the home fires we must keep burning for them.” Frank Todd was appointed chair- man of the speakers and toastmas- ter committee, R. A. Jacobs and Claude Fitzgerald were appointed as other members. William - Stanton, .|jr., was named chairman, and Bill Autimari and Ralph Fletcher were named members of the program committee. Evan Tonsing, C. E. Menke and Al Jacobs were named members of .the banquet committee, and Ross Scoggin was selected as head of the committee on general arrangements. Chairmen of different churches represented in the brotherhood are Dr, J. Harry Lloyd, Methodist; Philip Shrack, Episcopal; Russell Keith- line, St. Mark’s Lutheran; Carl Nes- tler, Trinity Lutheran; Fred Need- ham, Presbyterian; Carl Benson, First Baptist; Carl Reid, Carol Bap- tist; and Dr. A. E. Ricks, . First Christian. The “left handed fielders,” a gen- eral utility committee, are A. P. Bishop, chairman, Frank. Roberts, | vice-chairman, and George McIn- tosh and C. W. Runyan.