x * April April April April April April April April April Schedule of F.C.A. =~ 6 = Monday = Rotary meeting in evening. 7 = Tuesday = Lyons, Kansas - 6:30 Chamber of Commerce 9 = Thursday - K.U.-M.U. Phi Delta Kappa Get-Together at 6:30, Southeast High School, K.C. Mo. 42F— 10, 11 = Friday and Saturday = Baseball games at Manhattan. 12, 13 - Sunday and Monday = District Conference of Rotary, at Ottawa 17 - Friday - Honors Convocation, 10 a.m. Hoch Auditorium 18 = Saturday - Kansas Relays 26 - Sunday = Memorial Services for Ralph Conger, at P : Wentworth Military Academy, 1 pem. : ; . 27, 28 = Monday and Tuesday = Baseball with Missouri, here. April 29 - Wednesday - Lamont, 6:30 penie May 8, 9 = Friday and Saturday - Baseball with Kansas State, heré€e May 14 - Thursday = Linwood High School Commencement, 8:15 peme May 18, 19 = Monday and Tuesday = Baseball at Columbia, Moe May 21 - Thursday - Humboldt, Nebraska, High School Commencement Hay 22 « Friday - Final examinations begin.