HOMECOMING PLANNED FOR COLLEGE HERE K.S.T.C. Celebration Includes Dedication of Kirk Memorial (Copied from Kirksville Daily Express, September 18, 1940) A homecoming deluxe is being planned for the second annual homecoming of the Teachers College here to be held on Oct. 26. Included in the highlights for the day's program will be the dedication of tie John R. Kirk Memorial building, a perede of floats, football game between che Kirksville Bulldogs and Iowa Wesleyan College, homecoming banquet and ball. Forrest C. “Phog" Allen, director of athietics at the University of Kansas and foremost basketball coach and au- therity of the country, will be featured a3 sneaker at the banouet. William H. Zierel, dean of the Delta State Teachers Collere, Cleveland, Miss., and Jd. C. Williams, of Chicazo, I1ll., will be fea- tured on the dedication prorramn for the Kirk Memorial, The senereal homecominre plans are sponsored by the Blue Key, service or- eanization on the campus, which sponsored the first annual homecoming last fall. The general program for the day opens at 10 o'clock when the dedication serv- ices will be held. Jude J. A. Cooley, president of the Board of Regents, will preside over this section of the day's. activities. Dean Williems served 4s dean here under Dr. John R. Kirk, late president of the colleze here. Williams, a gradu- ate of the school here and a classmate of Dr. Walter H. Ryle, president of the school, has been teaching for a number of yeers in a large high school in Chicago. Williams has been active in the drive for funds for the memorial, and was in charge of two banquets in Chicago, which were in the interest of the drive. Dre P. O. Selby, of the faculty at the Teachers College, will be on the morning prorram to give a history of the Kirk Memorial. The noon hour will be devoted to informal luncheons by various groups, and it is expected that different student orgenizations will meke plans for en- tertaining old members during the day. A parade of floats, which was one of the features of last year's gathering, ~ will open at 1:30 o'clock. Student groups are planning elaborate floats to enter in competition for a loving cupe The home- coming queen is to be selected and will be crowned on the field just before the same. The Kirksville-Iowa Wesleyan game is to begin at 2 o'clock. The homecoming banquet is scheduled for 6 o'clock at the Travelers Hotel and the ball will follow at 9 o'clock in the Kirk Auditorium. Music will be furnished during the dey by the marching band of the Teachers col- lege, one of the largest in the history of the institution, and by other groups. Prof. Je Le Biggerstaff is striving to arrange a progrem of music which will feature musicians who were connected in some man- ner with the school during the life of Dr. Kirk. A large oil painting of Dr. Kirk is being painted and Pres. Ryle said this morning that he hoped that the picture would be finished in time to be unveiled during the ceremonies. } ‘ seasnstanteteaceien cscneenasiiieneintaieisinctinnsbenaaiianenbintintiiesss inet enee Nall