years of 1957, 1958, 1959, and 1040. Viceepresident of the lational Gollegiate Athletic Assoeiation Basketball — Rules Committee and Chairman ef the Research Committes, ; © of the National Joint Sauketball Rules Comittee - Was changed to the National Collegiate Basketball Rules Cone mittee of the United States and Canada at their meeting in 3 : Present Occupations Director of Physical Eduoation and Versity Basketball Coach, Military Serviess Mlisted SeheloS, Camp Sheridan, Illinois, Member, American Legions Affiliation, Masons, Blue Lodge, Shriner, Scottish Rite, | York Rite, University Club (Kansas City), Kansas City Country Giubs member Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity; Kansas City Athietic - Clube Hobby: Coaching. Married Bessie Milten, June 25, 1008. Children, Mary Bligabeth, Forrest Ce, Ire (deceased), Hilton Perry, Jeno, Robert Earl, Hleancre Offices University of Kanses, lawrence, Kansas, Homes 601 Louisiana Street, Lawrence, Kansese : All time wiming percentages, «792, during thirty«svo years of basketball coachings Author ; : E SOlde Book now out of prints 4950, “Physical Education andAthletics", The Relation of _ Physioal Bdusation and Athletios to Education, Chapter ~’ ae r Edueation’ ia Amorioa, by Kent, published rete: 2 . $ FCAsig Varsity Basketball Coach 8st | 2 } $ 3 ; : : 7 , : Sr “ ‘ 1925, My Basketball Bible, SmitheGrieves Company, Fifteen © - oe ® 2