A +5 APPOINTMENTS AND ENGAGEMENTS Febe 17 (Mone ) Stillwater Oklahoma Ae and Me at Stillwater Febe 18 (Tuese) Frank Strong Aude College faculty meeting Kansas City Municipal Speak to Lions Club of Kansas City, Moe on “Physical Auditoriume 12:00 noon Fitness a Direct Aid to Democracy" Febe ed ; (Frie) Columbia Basketball game at Columbia Febe 25 (Tuese) Hoch Aude Kansas State here Mare I z (Sate) Lincoln Nebraska at Lincoln Mere 3 (Mone ) Ames Iowa State at Ames ; Ware 7 (Frie) Hoch Aude ' Oklahoma here Mare 11 (Tuese) Hoch Aude Oklahoma Ae & Me here Mare 18 (Tuese) Ottawa, Kse Speak at Board-Teacher banquet on topic suitable for both teachers and schoolboard memberse Mrse Ethyl Seymour, CO« Supt., Ottawa, Kansas (tentative date) Kansas City, Moe NoCeAeAe Missouri Valley playoff We re cl (Frie) Municipal Aude, Western NeCeAcde Playoff KeCesy M0e Mare 22 Municipal Aud. (Sate) Kansas City, Moe Western NeCeAcde Playoff Mare 24 12;00 noon (Mone) Kansas City, Moe Speak to Traffic Club = 30 mine speeche Rele Kingman Mare 25 ‘Chase, Kansas (fuese) High School Athletic banquet Mare 29 Municipal Aude (Sate) Kansas City, Moe National NeCeAehe Playoffs Mare 30 (Sun. ) Mare 31 Kansas City, Moe Meeting of Rules Committee (Mone) April 17 (Thurse) Parsons, Kansas Speak to Rotary (ReSe Bennett) April 18 (Frie) . April 19 Stadium Kansas Relays (Sate)