tated of 27 shanptonshine out of 25 yeas eotshing at Founder of Kansas. Founder of Kansas Relays, National Association of Basketball Coaches of the United States, 1928; serving as President for the f: years, 1928 and 1929, _Direetor of four year coaching _ IO Univers. ity of Kansase “Member National: re ” be as lla. years, retiring 1936, Renamed as menber Bational Joint Basket. thirteen years, for a foursyear term ineluding the 1987, 1958, 193, and 1940, Viseepresident of the National Colleginte Athletic Association Basketball Rules Committee and Chairman of the Research Committees (The mame of the Natioml _ goint Basketball Rules Committee ws changed to the Hational Collegiate Basketball Rules Comittee of the United States and ‘Canada at their meeting in the spring of 1986) ‘i 3 Present Ocoupations ‘Director of. Physical Bdusation and Varsity , Basketball Coach, Wilitary Services Unlisted SehsTets Camp Sheridan, Tilinoise Member, American Legic:. SPP ilieation; ‘Blue Lodge, Shriner, Scottish Rite, York Rite, Univer 4 t. : ck 3 = € q ’ 2 oe ¢ Es 2 sa pepee Gee tee a. ek = Se Ree ‘ !