November 14, 1941 Mr. Taft Talbot Re S. Elliott Arms Coe Kansas City, Moe Dear Mr. Talbot, fhe shoes that you brought me to try have proved to be very excellent, and are being worn by Marvin Sollenberger. I would like to order another pair, size 9, for Vance Hall. Vance is a very heavy charger and I believe that these shoes will prove to be just the thing for him. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation Fea/pg Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach November 21, 1941. Mre Jack Elliott, Re 5S» Blliott Arms Coe, 1608 Grand Avenue, Dear Jacks Thank you for your letter giving me information about the shoes that i wrote Taft aboute le dropped in the office soon after your letter arrived, and everything is under controle Thank you for your thoughtfulness and kindnesse Very sinserely yours, — Hirestor of Physical Bdusation and Recreation, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coaches : EB b 1508-10 GRAND AVENUE PHONE GRAND 1911 KANSAS Criry,Mo. Nov. 15, 1941 Mr. Forrest C.Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. Dear Phog; : I am answering your letter of November 14th, as Taft Talbot is now out at Ft Riley. In reference to the pair of shoes that he gave you to try out I wish to say that these are made by the Beacon Falls Rubber Shoe Co. andas we understand it they are not yet in product- ion on these shoes. In other words they are endeavoring to give the shoes a thorough trial before placing them on the market. However, I have written to their local District Manager for this territory, in an endeavor to get a pair of these shoes for you in size 9, for Vance Hall and if they are available, we will surely send them over to you. I do not know what the price of the shoes is going to be, because the Beacon Falls Co. representative advises us that they have not even yet made a quotation on then. However, I know that he will be more than pleased to learn of your comment that the pair tried out by Marvin Sollenberger seemed to prove excellent. Will let you know about a pair for Vance Hall as soon as I hear from Mr.Hill the District Manager. With best personal wishes, remain. JRE e& “It Pays to Play” December 11, 1941. Mee daok P1llictt, Re Se Blldett Arms Cos, 1608 Grend Avenue, Kansas City, Moe . | This will aolmowledgs receipt af your letter, of Kovesber 27th. shoes. We ere giving the shoes a thorough test, and is ee Gath tis Sananaes af lak tenn that of the Beacon Falls Rubber Company in sending them to use Very sineerely yours, Divecter of Physical Education and Recreation, PGA :AH Vorsity Basketball and Baseball Coache eo - John Balinsky. | a no f 5 NE = ¥ == 5 = = 4 = w= SPORTING; GOODS; EXGLUSINELY 1508-10 GRAND AVENUE PHONE GRAND 1910 KANSAS Criry, MO. Nov. 27, 1941 De .F orrest C.Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kensas. Dear Phog. Bill Hill the sales manager for the Beacon Falls Rubber Shot Co. managed to get hold of a pair of size 9 in those special Basketball Shoes which you ordered for use of one of your players. He turned them over to me today and I have sent them to you by parcel post. Now I believe that I told you in my former letter that they are not in production on these shoes and have no price as far as I know at present on them. Bill said that he did not know whether or not the factory was going to bill us for this pair of shoes, but if they do, I will just mail you a bill for them but if they do not bill us with them, you can consider this another try out pair with the compliment to the Beacon Falls Rubber Footweer Co. You undoubtedly will receive the shoes at the same time you get this letter. With best wishes. JRE 0& P.S. Since writing the above, we have received the enclosed letter from John Balinsky, Sales Promotion Manager of Beacon Fells Rubber Footwear Co. end therefore there will be no charges for the shoes and we hope you will report to us, if you get the opportunity, just how you like these shoes and what the experience of your player was with theme “It Pays to Play” BEACON FALLS RUBBER FOOTWEAR Division of United States Rubber Company BEACON FALLS, GONN. November 25, 1941. R.S. Elliott Arms Company 1508-10 Grand Avenue Kansas City, Mo. Gentlemen: Complying with the request of our ,Aepresentative, Mr. Hill, we are sending you, under separate cover, one pdir of our MG113 Collegiate Basketball Shoes featuring the side loop innovatifn. We are very much interested ip“having these shoes thoroughly wear-tested and we know that Coach Allen atansas University will do just that for us. We are, therefore, sending yoa these shoes at no charge in size 9. Thank you for your order/for 36 pairs of MG104,Black Flash Basketball Shoes. We are shipping to you24\pairs of these shoes and will do our utmost to com- plete theback order befora the week is JOHN BALINSKY (¢/ SALES PROMOTION MANAGER December il, 1941. lie» John Balineky, Sales Premotion Manager, Beacon Falls Rubber Footwoar, Beacon Falls, Conne Loar re Balinsicy s : lies Jock BUMett, of Re Se Elliott Arms cenpeny, Kenuee City, bas tld Ob of your \indasss tn nos eharging us for the basketball a A tenting Sat See OF Sar Peete mane ten tive bre bend chaveere, sat ae I told Jack Elliott, if the shoes hold up for these boys they will hold up for anyone. We sre giving then thorough tost. We think 1% fe « pretty fine shoe, tut of course we can tell nore about it efter testing. With eppresiation ef your fine cooperation, I em oe es Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA cAH Versity Baskettell and Baseball Coach. eo = Jack Elliott.