July 18, 1944. Miss Ruth Hoover, 6139 Kemwood Avee, Royal Plaga, Chicago, Illinois. Dear Miss Hoover: . The College Office has asked us to send them & schedule of classes for the six weeks‘ term beginning on September lith. This schedule is due in their are not later than July 216. I have been checking over the schedule you left with me, and thought it best to let you know what our swimming pool schedule is at the present time before we sub- mit a schedule to the College Office. It my be that you. will want to substitute another course for Elementary Swimming at 11:30. I am enclosing a pool schedule for the semester now in session, which ends on October 21. Do you think you can find enough hours when the pool is not used by the Navy for your course 31? It is our understanding that the Electricians' Mates will be dis- ‘sontinued here sometime in October, and thet will release a good many hours in the pool. If you want to revise the enclosed olass schedule sili sukeih hu ieiade tie tad, < a Wee ech cei Me a Office. Se ee ee ee it was important to you to have it right. Thank you. Sincerely,