DIVISION IV as Sxc. CouRsE ee Cr. TIME Day Room | Bupe.| InsrrucTror HOME ECONOMICS 2 Ay leone Decoration © F.4616.5). | tdccwiesiiee 408 te oi 2 9:30 ed 112 F Meguiar Beni brome, Decoration. ie. i dienes tis oh es 2 11:30 TE 112 F Meguiar 3a Ay ies ood and INUETIUION. 31. F su. li cba cl Sas 3 9:30 MWF 110 F Tissue | | DRoGd- and Nur lOD es ods ses eves ea hes 65 6i6 3 1:30 MWF 112 F Tissue 3b Food and Nutrition Lab....| 3a or with 3a... 2 8:30-10:20 rT 6 F Tissue 4 ....| Select. and Prep. of Foods I,.| (See catalog).... 5 TOGtUT Oe ori ss Sao gls Site ses ee sellee dae 8:30 ae 112 F Anderson TORDOTALOLY. sos Flas oo wR © 2 ate ok a's feces 8:30-10:20) MWFEF 14 F Anderson 5 Select. and Prep. of Foods II} 4 or 3a, 3b and 3 1:30-3:20 TE 14 F Anderson Chem. 1 or 2. 10 sebercl MELOMIO: NEERING ¢ 2c. 2a dens |< ss based <0 ais Bie.5 8 3 10:30 MWF 110 F Sherbon 12 phar eC DiC ATGre obs ss Ae sls oe RGM ois sls a Aes 3 11:30 MWF 110 F Sherbon Biel @hildu@aresn’. 2... Mites ls satiatb des Bs 3 1:30 MWE 110 |“ F Sherbon 72a Clothing Design:...00.4... Design 13.. 2... 3 8:30 MWF 112 F Meguiar 76 Standards of Living and IMU y aD ATIGOL o hkhii aisi[a is serene sists cals wa 2 10:30 Tr 112 F Anderson 80a Home Administration...... (See catalog).... 3 9:30 MWEF 112 F Sprague 80b Home Adm. Practice....... 80a or with 80a 2 Appt. Appt. Apptissveus Hoesly 82 Former NUTSING 1. Pk eres silico MSR! cisiete ess 2 9:30 ea 110 F: Sherbon 83 ChildtCares: 2. tes. Physiology 1 or 2 P30 TT 110 F Sherbon Zo6l. 1. 15la Preteuiesilyc.. 2. ka oc Organic Chem. 3 11:30 MWF 112 F Tissue and Physiology. 152 Special Problems I......... (See catalog)....| 3-5 | 8:30-11:20 Le 14 F Sprague . | and appt. : 153 Special Problems II........ VOD RRS Ar eas 3-5 Appt. Appt. Appt.) 22i3: Sprague RELIGION Students in the College are permitted to enroll in courses offered by the Kansas School of Religion and count credit received for such work toward the degree of Bachelor of Arts, with the provisions (1) that the total number of hours of such credit shall not exceed six hours, and (2) that not more than three hours of such work may be taken in courses giving sophomore credit. ¥1 83 DESIGN *13 433 Hist. and Lit. of the Biblef.. Hebrew History Bois spa. Life and Teachings of Jesus, Old Testament Literature It Social Teachings of Jesus... .| Develop. of Christ. Church. . Develop. of Social Institutns. and Ideals of the Bible... Religious Concepts of New Test. and Cur. Thought. . WOSICN Gc 6s seca cee cee ees DIGSIENG Ls 3 sc ewe tae q Uwibie + 06°06 6 610 0166 i Oe ee ebro @ 6 6 Bie 6 ee ec Design 4 or 14.. + Not open to students who have had 80a or 80b. + Credit toward graduation will be given for either 1 or 51-52, but not for both. § May be taken on any two of the three days specified. Nee we wD nin Mihiien 10:30 - 2:30 10:30 1:30 7:00 p. m. 11:30 8:30 8:30 1:30-4:20 8:30-11:20 TT Tu MWF Tu Tu TT re MWF MW MWF BD BD BeBe 310 314 FS FS Barr Mayerberg Barr Mayerberg Barr King Thomas Price Ketcham, Jacobson Ketcham, Jacobson