I. THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Room CouRsE Time, Time, é Crepit | InstRucTOR No. |52° SUBJECT CR.) PALL SPRING Days ni = LDG. Group I Educational Theory T268 | ...| Principles of Education........... | 3 | ate aes | 9:30 | MWF 115 F iG EF a Schwegler Group II Educational Sociology $52 | A | Elem. of Educ. Sociology......... 2 10:30 10:30 Tr 15 F | EFC | Russell $52 | B | Elem. of Educ. Sociology......... 2 2:30 2:30 YE 15 F | EFC } Russell $292 Intro. to Study of Curric..... 22%. 3 2BOr te pIMIaa. 63 MWE 115 F |G EFC} Althaus $294 Const. of Sec. Sch. Curric........ B lewthl. wild: 2:30 MWF 115 F | GEF | Althaus $358 Extra-Curr. Activities and School : ; CONTEC Ts ait 6 tere ans <8 | POO GHD Vesa ces Ww 115 F G OBrien and Appt. $399 Research in Curric. Const. ....... 2-8 Appt. Appt. Appt. 119 F G Staff Group III Educational Psychology — P40.|....| Educational Psychology.......... & jaetgos. eb 1:30 MWF 15 F EF Bayles P50 | A | Educational Psychology.......... 3 SeBOrrey |. xcs exes st MWF 15 F |.E.F.C | Turney P50 | B | Educational Psychology.......... 3 9:30 9:30 MWEF 15 F | E F.C | Nash P50 | C | Educational Psychology.......... a 10:30 10:30 MWF 15 F | E.FC | Nash (F), Turney (Sp) P50 | D | Educational Psychology.......... 3 Tents Pitas etnies = MWF 115 F | EFC | Bayles P255 Mental Meas. of Sch. Children....} 3 OM cea ae MWF 115 F |G EFC| Turney P268 Psychology of Reading*.......... Zt A OU-OTE Le a5 ope Une oc En 15 F GE Nash P271 The Nontypical Child...2.......% 3 PUOO copes cet ee MWF 115 F |G E FC} Schwegler P276 Mental Figgicnes os sic cig 0 tape = Die aes 8:30 TT 15 F |G EFC} Turney P278 MaolescenCe. sess ek cee wen ee 3 CSO ee ee MWF 115 F |GEFC| Schwegler P279 Psychology of Moral Educ........ De Nea ate cag 4:30-6:10 WwW 115 F |G E F C| Schwegler P281 Reading and Study Laboratory....} 2 |....0..... 4:30-6:10 Th Lore GE» | Nash P354 Educ. Clinic (by a of ANStMIOLOR)s surlerey oahel abr a- « F SeDislea?