DIVISION IIi—Field A For group major in Physical Science and Mathematics, see Division II—Field B — ” SEc. CoursE ee Cr. TIME Day Room | Bupa.| INstrucToR MATHEMATICS 1 ....| General Mathematics...... 1 yr. H. S. Alg. 5 9:30 MTWTF 211 FS | Mitchell (See catalogue.) and 1 yr. H. S. Geom. 2a A | College Algebray.......... 1% yrs. H.S. Alg. 3 8:30 MWF 217 FS | Ulmer B: | College Algebraf. 2... 2... Dithoe: 6 oh. Bes 3 9:30 MWF 213 FS | Black C | College Algebray.......... Ditters o0) 3 10:30 MWF 219 FS | Brown D | College Algebraf.......... DIGLO 52608 eee 3 11:30 MWEF 203 FS | DeMoss E | College Algebrat.......... Ditto. cbc es 3 1:30 MWF 211 FS | Brown 2b | A | College Algebraf.......... lyr. H. S. Alg. 5 8:30 MTWTF | 213 FS | Bell B | College Algebray.......... Dito 2 oe 5 8:30 MTWTF 215 FS | Brown C | College Algebray.......... Ditto: ode ee. 5 9:30 MTWTF 203 FS | Brown D | College Algebrat.......... Dittowiis 2 cake. 5 10:30 MTWTF |} 215 FS | Greer E | College Algebrayt.......... Ditton: 92 eS) 5 11:30 MTWTF 211 FS | Babcock a | Colleve Algebrat . : 2..%...23 Ditto. 8. g242: 5 1:30 MTWTF 213 FS | Sholander G | College Algebraf.......... Dittes6 58: 5 2:30 MTWTF 203 FS | Greer 3 A “| Trigonometryf.....-.....55 lyr. H.S. Geom , 2 8:30 Te 217 FS | Babcock 2a or 2b, or with 2a or 2b. Bee rigonometryt< 35 ese. DIGtO ee os 2 9:30 aT 213 FS | Greer Cri Erigonometryt =... 32 32. GbOse 2 10:30 TT 219 FS | Bell BD ..| -ErIgOnOMmetry ys «6.5.5 25 8s ec WTO so is.0)as ss 5, 2 1:30 aes 211 FS | Brown Bi eeIBONOMetry oo sco koe WPIGEOS SG. ces 2 2:30 ted by 213 FS | DeMoss 4 ....| Analytic Geometry I....... 2a or 2b and 3 2 11:30 TE 217 FS | Price 4E | A | Analytic Geometry........ Ditto Peso 5 8:30 MTWTF 211 FS | Black B | Analytic Geometry........ POTHO SY oF oe SS: 5 10:30 MTWTF 217 FS | Babcock 5 A | Differential Calculus....... 4 or 4E, or with 3 9:30 MWF 219 FS | Smith 4 or 4E. B | Differential Calculus....... Dittesb 35 ose 3 11:30 MWF 217 FS | Bell 6 Analytic Geometry II...... AE. Sih es, 2 9:30 tel 217. FS | Stouffer 7 Integral Calculus.......... 5 and 4E, or 5 3 9:30 MWF 217 FS | Price with 6. *10 A | Mathematical Theory of In- Vvestmont 22 2255282 Res DR OF 2D ce. cae: 2 10:30 TT 203 FS | Smith Mathematical Theory of In- vestmentss 00. ae Ss Ditto: &.:. Ss 2: 2 11:30 FE 203 FS | Bell 91 cor) pe Etonors Course t+.) 2 t 5. See catalogue...} 1-4 Appt. Appt. Appt.| Appt.} Staff 92 43.51, Hlonors Course TI) oo.is6:. ¢ DDIGLOS ee ees 1-8 Appt. Appt. Appt.| Appt.| Staff 150 ....| Analytic Mechanics........ TUNE Gee 8 3 1:30 MWF 217 FS | Jordan 151 ....| Differential Equations... .. ip RECS ES 3 10:30- MWF 203 FS | Smith 152 ....| Advanced Calculus. ....... Re re os Ses 3 8:30 MWF 219 FS | Babcock 155 3 eo SOMIOR Ik eer ee oe: es OS on cece 2 11:30 TT 219 FS | Mitchell 159 ....| Projective Geometry I..... CONES ee Pie 3 2:30 MWF 211 FS | Mitchell j 2a Algebra is not open to students who have had two units of Algebra in high school except by permission of re department; 2b Algebra is not open to students who have had one and one-half units in high school except for three hours credit. ¢ Not open to students who have had Trigonometry in high school.