DIVISION II—Field B—Concluded CouURSE No. 11 lla 31 81 141 172 3a 4 54 56 PREREQUISITE Src. CouRsE Gioanee Cr. TIME Day Room | Bupa.} INstrRucTOoR GEOLOGY AND GEOGRAPHY GEOLOGY A | General Geologyf.....-.--- 2 yrs. H.S. Math. 5 Tecture oo a ele se eee ol ee eee 10:30 MWF 101 Het Schoewe AADOLALOLY hide eos Sil sc ecto atin ee] ate el 10:30-12:20 TE 203 H Schoewe or 201 : 8:30-10:20 ce 203 H Schoewe B | General Geologyt.......--- Ditto css 5 TSE ele a eae aI tio clits Gieets: pe while sceligre siaze © 2:30 MWF 101 H Smith Wen bOratony. ce tee ee |e ow pies cee oes fiee es es 1:30-3:20 ae 203 H Smith 206 Physical Geologyt.......-- Ditto: 2+. 5 Tectiureses 6 0s chares 6 ool Nes motes es os | tiereteicns 8:30 MWF 101 H Schoewe WERORAGOHV 3 oo sls ess s oie sterols cierese - 8:30-10:20 ‘pas 201 H Schoewe Physical Geology Lab.f....| Ditto.........- 2 8:30-10:20 Te 201 H Schoewe IMSNGESIORY cr tos ee ce os 1 or 11 and (or 5 1:30-4:20 MWF 5 H Dreyer with) Chem. 1 or 2, Sedimentary Rocks........ Mioand Sli. oe 3 1:30-3:20 MWF 205 H Schoewe Structural Geology I....... 21 and (or with) 3 Phys. 5a, 6a or 7a : MeOH fe co sie ote ives everssersce nee c erel|iare one tee 9:30 as 208 | H Dreyer Nes DOLRtOLV 2 seco cs nce si | crete s ceiereis dole se elles vices 9:30 MWF 203 H Dreyer Petroleum Geology........ fandi2l 6.5. 5 TeSOlire Aric ee Sei | ee cigtatele ae coerce eiliecs' sie 8:30 TWTF 208 H Landes TDN eyo uri) aay | are gyda (OE nine na urenvenipics IAee cin 8:30-10:20 Ss 201 H Landes GEOGRAPHY Principles of Geography....| 2yrs. H.8.Math.| 5 Tecture see os oe ea [eis os celeise sie se = feleinis ois 1:30 MWF TOL |) seb Posey A TA OratOlyc ooo ce |e eae eters toes alin e cee 1:30-3:20 Le 201} H Posey B Lip ey gif Re) Nes OR BIO e Gees BUBB T a cogotac ul lode cic 2:30-4:20 MW 201 H Posey Principles of Geography....| Ditto.......... 3 1:30 MWF 101 EL Posey Economic Geography. .....|..-+-++e+ee+eee: 2 9:30 Ee 101 H Posey Weather and Climate...... DELO ce iiteceete 3 9:30 MWF 208 | H Posey Geog. of North America....| 3 or 3a or Geol. 3 10:30 MWF 208 | H Posey Por + Students who expect to major in Geology should elect Geology 11 instead of Geology 1. + This course follows Geology 1 for students who expect to continue in Geology. BIOCHEMISTRY May count either as Physical Science or Biological Science. (See Biologocial Science for schedule.) a