DIVISION IlI—Field C CourRsE PREREQUISITE No. Src. CouRsE Goquans Cr. TIME Day Room | Bupe.| INstRucTOR PHILOSOPHY *10 Entrods to) PhiOSsOpAY 45 los shesee 2 vi-sesieieeG sc 2 10:30 eT 103 FS | Hollands *11 Main Cur. of Mod. Thought,| For sophs. 10 or 3 10:30 MWFE 103 FS | Osborne with 10. *12 Introductory Logic........ Not open to jun. 3 11:30 MWF 303 FS | McCracken and seniors. *15 ilomentary: Wo thics .c39 ices (seca see cie oe ete 2 2:30 Lay 303 FS | Osborne 79 lemeNnte OL WORIGT Wales « copie ccc siniso:crelpicere sere 3 8:30 MWF 103 FS | McCracken 150 Contemporary Philosophies.| One course in 3 11:30 MWE 103 FS | Hollands Philosophy. 170 History of Philosophy... |. site pci cise 3 9:30 MWF 103 FS | Hollands 172 Philosophical Classics I... .| 170; or with 170 2 9:30 Ts 103 FS | Hollands 180 Advanced Logic........... 12 or 79, or two 3 10:30 MWF 303 FS | McCracken courses above 50. 181 PN CRHNOLICS Ge clare tests Se Ei ctsilacs cstetcis « Gicletares oS 9:30 MWF 303 FS | Osborne 183 Ethics of Economicsf...... (See note)...... 2 10:30 ee 303 FS | Osborne 190 The Philosophy of Kant....} 150; or 170; or 3 Appt. Appt. Appt.| Appt.| Hollands 171; or 174. + Not open to students who have credit for course 12. + Prerequisite, an elementary course in ethics, and one in economics. eo