PROFESSION AL—Concluded CouRsE PREREQUISITE No. Sxc. CouRSE ea Cr. TIME Day Room | Bupa.| Instructor PHYSICAL EDUCATION (Professional) WOMEN 62 Theory of Athletics I. ...%. |:2734 a. Apes 2 8:20 ce 204 R Hoover Ti Omicisting 1k. 6s vanes. 62. and 63....:.; 1 3:30 TT 204 R Hoover 83 Theory of Swim. (Women)..]..........2.000- 1 2:30 rT: 204 R Hoover MEN 35 PGUCUH Ce Ath so Fa ak 04 teased 5 0c bee 58s 2 10:30 TT 206 R Conger 65 Biankoinall. veh i cap nee 64.410 1s seeds s sss 8505 24 2 9:30 Te 206 R Allen dD Track and Field..........- Peer irates Ss kad 2 10:30 TT Dee Hargiss MEN AND WOMEN 74 Tests and Measurements in | Physical Education...... Bian chev Gites 2 10:30 TT 204 | R Lapp DRAWING AND PAINTING (Professional) 31 ite Drawing Is. is sep oki vis Drawing 1 and 2 2 8:30 Appt. 313 FS | Eastwood 32 Life Drawing I].¢ i & ssi. Drawing 31..... 2 8:30 Appt. 313 FS | Eastwood 33 Still Life Painting I........ Drawing 1 and 2 2 1:30 Appt. 319 | FS | Bloch 34 Still Life Painting II....... BSicciic tele eden 8s 2 1:30 Appt. 319 FS | Bloch DESIGN (Professional) *41 History of Art (Ornament)..]...........+006- 1 8:30 F 316 FS | Jones 63 GsIAN NT. 2 6k capes ss at. Design 33...... 2 8:30-11:20] MWF 310 FS | Ketcham, Jacobson 86 Design m-Advertssing oso ss tose ce 1 1:30-3:20 Tu 310 FS | Jones } May be. taken on any two of the three days specified. SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Students in the College may elect not to exceed fifteen hours from certain courses in the School of Business, with the proviso that credit obtained in such courses shall be included in the maximum allowed for the major department and group. The following courses are offered this semester: — ” Sec. CouRsE aaa Cr, TIME Day Room | Bupa.| Instructor BUSINESS (Professional) 65 A | Cost Accounting........... BO ae ss 3 9:30 MWF 301 FS | Blocker B | Cost Accounting........... POE a ass 68 sa 3 1:30 MWF 301 FS | Blocker 159 ....| Business Statistics......... MGR Pes ess 3 10:30 MWF 212 FS | Dade 164 A | Valuation Accounting...... 1O Ses ccsss 3 8:30 MWF 301 FS | Shannon B | Valuation Accounting...... acess 3 10:30 MWF 301 FS | Shannon 165 . |:...| Advanced Accounting...... AGH ee oe aia 3 10:30 MWF 314 F Kesselman 174 ....| Property Insurance........ 8 hrs. Econ..... 2 11:30 EL 210 FS | Roark 194 Aso MAIRINORS SAW 15 <5 8S eA Slat Seasons 6 00803 3 9:30 MWF 314 F Roark 1S Ch RICH PAWL oc Sk 5 ca cle cs ences eceueue 3 10:30 MWF 324 FS | Roark Grey PIRIIORN PNW Ek. cso cas cie oe cobs 05's bees 3 11:30 MWF 303 FS | Shannon 195 IBtinnione tity EE. silos cw hae ss cae ee esees 3 2:30 MWF 217 FS | Roark 253 ETiVOSEMGING 5592s cs ce seo BAe oe: 3 1:30 MWF 217 FS | Bain