Pago (5) boylan, Dorn thy Modesto Hirh School Liodesto, Col ife Boylo,* Vincent re! Gee’ CUrto CollLoge Dele Dradish,: Botty i.e Unive of ce’ CoLig Los 4ngoles Bradloy,> Ms Dee Dente Coliecc ed os breenes Samy ACNOs 2298 Pacific Lvov S gi») rondt,’ Nora De Unive Of Uclit borkelcy Droadots Robort Le College of tho Pacific Sele Drinknon,’ Lillian Stato Dopt,: of Public Hcalth SF. Britton, Nell oe School Talo ilto Dronzan, Robort T, 228 Inst Santa Clara Ste San Jose Dorgony’ Feld» Dacre — Hich Sehcol Sacrenonto ‘ ! “Drovng Chories “i, pever Ly Hills Hich School ievorly Hills , C_a-¢ Drow, log Charics “¢ . . : as, Drow, Valtor Hy Stenford University Stanford Drugh, Robin (Cy pan Joso oteate College son Jose Bruch, Barbara San doso Ste to Collofo Sean Joso Bruncau, Holon I. Jrg Hirh School Groot Fallsrn iont» Buckloy, Ruth T¢é Portor School é iloanoda BDudionc ys “sis Toemieq! sich Oakland Budick, Virginia T. 200, Galbraith Road Pasadona, Calif, Busscll, Florence i De Geog of Rerccs Ockianc = Schools Byrd, Olivor Be Stanford University tonford, Califs Cabot, Russell Chestcr Joris Lick Jr¢ Hich Sal's adorany Patricia 74% Ne and Streot San Joso —Calhoun, Gerald idems Dorscy High Sehcol Los .ngolces Coldorvood, lortha,; Inez 21,8 Trossor 4vo~g ~s Los angolcs Collins, Holton is ote Crug ch School Senta Crug : aripboll, Judith Ds Durlingame "igh School —_burlincaic Conavang inbol Claire Jtharbre City reo Seicok 4 Og ae Caplen, Ruby Es UscilLeie Loe anoles Copma, do¢2 Lapio 559 Ne Streot isa't Supr of ro .D4Ockland si i Katharine C442 Grant Jvonuo ols Copisony, Gordon. Tg Polytechnic High Schcol oF. —Carlson, Louis He “ierin dire Colicse Kontfipld, Calif. Carlson, Vonicc Vontura drg Ccllcso Vontura, Ce olif. Coppentor, iiicon Torehors College of Kansas City, iiissourl Corpontor, Doctriac Eelatritionist Cc elif. Doiry Council Sel Garreli, Lois “ome Stato CUcLicso iWaaten, “Ty Coprick, Cathabino Suprg vublic Schools Omaha, Nebraska Carrell, DsHy Dir.First sid imcr~s Rod Cross Sef's Carver, larga ret Pagadons City Schools Pasadena Cary; Holon i Parpoce of Bealtn ieptiond, Oreogcn Cosa, Gooree Ta County Sups Thysicol Edy fan Josc, Colite Chariberlain, H,0.ii.D. Peychiatrist State Dept of eceial “olrtare Seeroamonto, Calif. Change, HEL idiie Colloge Oclrland Chapnan, LDlbort “Fy “ost Hich Sehocl Denver, Colorado Chasco, iolvin be regodone Cit: Sehcols Pasadona Ches Noy, Poul Se Contreal School Chics, Calif. | Chovora@, Liario iy $21. 20th stroot — Ocdon, Utah Christonson, Joo ly 66L. “ashincton St» Utah Christianson, Chas, CySenta Jarbara City Sehools Santa barbara Christlieho, larilyn Southern Orecen Collese of Educ Ashland, Or. Church, Cherics ly lm by folytccnhnic Long Beach Cirino, fngoline Ty Uy Oy Das Los uncles