| Room CouRsE Siac roan ene Cr Time, Time, oo cums Crepit | Instructor No. a FALL SPRING ey IN Group VI Administration of Education A50 | A | Intro. to School Administration...| 2 8:30 9:30 TY 115 F | EFC |} Chandler A50 | B | Intro. to School Administration...| 2 OS a ee ee re 115 F | EFC | Russell A50 | C | Intro. to School Administration...| 2 11:30 11:30 £T 115 F | EFC | Twente A159-— Adm. Sm. Schs. and City Sch. Ad.,| 3 SRO 15 Pts MWF 115 F GE Twente 273 A254 Sclidol Hygiene s>: ..4acA......2 2 TEROee Sak, Ss; ED 15 F GE | Turney A274 Comparative Education.......... DB... Stee. 10:30 MWF 115 F |G E FC} Twente A375-6 Ed. Fin. and Bus. Adm. City Schs.,} 5 ].......... 1:30 MTWTF | 115F G Twente A304 Seminar in Educ. Admin......... 0 3:30 3:30 Tu 115 F G Staff A399 Research in Educ. Admin........ 2-8 Appt Appt Appt. 129 F G Staff Group VII Secondary Education B260 Principles of Secondary Fduc..... 3 Sao [aon dts oes MWF 15F |G EFC] Twente B261 Adm. of Jr. and Sr. High Schools..| 3 |.......... 11:30 MWF 15 F GE Althaus B264 Adm. of Extra-Curr. Activities....| 2 ].......... 11:30 “EL 15 F |G E FC} OBrien Group VIII Vocational Education V156 Vocational Education............ 2 OBO | as tae PT 15 F |G E FC} OBrien V158 Vocational Guidance............. Depts 9:30 re 15 F |G E FC} OBrien Group IX Theory and Practice of Teaching Mil Grade-School Art Methods I...... Eo G0 Le oo wae TT 316 FS EF Ellsworth M12 Grade-School Art Methods II..... De ceme est 4:30 TF 316 FS EF Ellsworth M53 Junior H. S. Art Methods I....... 2 SAO SO te aca MWF 314 FS EF Ellsworth M54 Junior H. 8. Art Methods II...... 2 saree 10:30 MWF | 314FS EF | Ellsworth M55 High School Art MethodsI....... 2 eS Sas MWF 314 FS EF | Ellsworth M56 |....| High School Art Methods II...... Bole earns 11:30 MWF 314 FS EF | Ellsworth M61 | A | Pub. Sch. Mus. Meth. for Prim. Grs.| 2 Seg) ee 2s os MW 37 FS EF Barnhart Observation cs <6 oc bo ctucks O} 830-1620] 2; oc di55. Appt. |CitySch.| EF Barnhart M61 | B | Pub. Sch. Mus. Meth. for Prim. Grs.| 2 $30) se os MW 37 FS EF Barnhart Observation: »..). aesaigeucs 6. 6-0 @ | 830510220) 4.5. 22... Appt. |CitySch.| EF Barnhart. M62 | A | Pub. Sch. Mus. Meth. for Inter.Grs.| 2 |.......... 8:30 MW 37 FS EF | Barnhart Observation. ... sisciwees is 254 Le ee 8:30-10:20} Appt. {|CitySch. EF Barnhart M62 | B | Pub. Sch. Mus. Meth. for Inter. Grs.| 2].......... 1:30 MW 37 FS EF Barnhart Observation.) uecerene S56 65 Oe Bites Saeed 9 8:30-10:20} Appt. |CitySch.| EF Barnhart M63 Teaching of Music in Jr. H.S..... 2 Pe Piss tea Tt. 37 FS | EFC | Miessner M64 Teaching of Musicin Sr. H.S..... eee 2:30 Te 37 FS | E FC | Miessner M165 Theory and Practice of Teaching..| 3 ]........:. 8:30 MWF 115 F |G E FC} Turney M281 Teaching of Natural Science...... 3 146807 25).. cesieanks MWF 15F |GEFC| Bayles M283 Teaching of Home Economics.....| 3 ASO til. eettuachs MWF 110 F |G E FC} Hoesly M284 Teaching of Speech and Dr. Arts..| 3 ].......... Appt MWF 6G |G E FC} Crafton M286 Teaching of English.....,....... 3 2:30 2:30 MWF 1LO/|GEFC| Fee M288 Teaching of Preneh. 2.0.63. 00.3 < 3 SO ee MWFE 103 FS |G E F C} Towne M289 Teaching of Mathematics......... 3 PES oe ee MWF 219 FS |G E FC} Mitchell, Ulmer M291 Teaching of Social Studies........ 3 11:30 11:30 MWF 20 0 |G E FC} Litchen RS 293 Teaching of Spanish............. ol Oe bs MWF | 107 FS|GE FC} Gardner m——— M294 Cont. and Meth. of Phys. Educ...| 3 C80 Pat ecoicucc MWF 204R 1 GEC | Stapleton=———_ M340 Modern Teaching Procedures. .... 32 4:30-6:10 too. . sa se M 115 F G Bayles and appt. M377 Problems in the Theory and Prac~- tiee of Teaching 2.655, 6685. oie 4:30-6:10 M 115 F G Bayles M399 Research in the Theory and Prac-| 2-8 Appt Appt Appt. 107 F G Staff tice of Teaching