I. THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Room Course] , Time, Time, Creprr | Instrucror No. Src SusBsect Cr. FALL SPRING Days re oe LDG. Group I Educational Theory T268 . ...| Principles of Education.......... | 3 | Seite as | 9:30 | MWF 115 F a EF d Schwegler Group II Educational Sociology $52 | A | Elem. of Educ. Sociology......... 2 10:30 10:30 TT 15F | EFC | Russell $52 | B | Elem. of Educ. Sociology......... 2 2:30 2:30 TT 15F | EFC | Russell $292 Intro. to Study of Curric......... 3 2:30 OPTS: . a, MWFE 115 F |G E FC} Althaus $294 Const. of Sec. Sch. Curric........ o. lacecot veebh 2:30 MWF 115 F | GEF | Althaus $358 Extra-Curr. Activities and School CORECOIS se okies Sk og weeks S| 4590-10 fio cic 8 Ww 115 F G OBrien and Appt. S399 Research in Curric. Const........ 2-8 Appt. Appt. Appt. 119 F G Staff Group III Educational Psychology p40 |....| Educational Psychology.......... Sf | SBARGS Ay 1:30 MWF 15 F EF Bayles P50 | A | Educational Psychology.......... 3 RBS 1. HTS MWF 15 F | EFC | Turney P50-| B | Educational Psychology.......... 3 9:30 9:30 MWF 15F | EFC | Nash P50 | C | Educational Psychology.......... 3 10:30 10:30 MWF 15 F | EFC | Nash (FP), Turney (Sp) P50 | D | Educational Psychology.......... 3 R90 Si licen etia MWF 115 F | EFC | Bayles P255 Mental Meas. of Sch. Children....} 3 A Neh. acca MWF 115 F |G E FC} Turney P268 Psychology of Reading*.......... 2 i. 4:80-6 200 eo oon Ss0 Th 15 F GE Nash P271 The Nontypical Child............ 3 TOGO. FS cease MWF 115 F |G E FC} Schwegler P276 Mental Hygiene..............4.. eA eto ere 8:30 rT. 15 F |G E FC} Turney P278 RADIPERCHOE oss Siew cena iee « 3 DOU tien cree MWF 115 F |G E FC] Schwegler P279 Psychology of Moral Educ........ De eevee 4:30-6:10 Ww 115 F |G E F C} Schwegler P281 Reading and Study Laboratory....} 2 |.........- 4:30-6:10 Th 15 F GE Nash P354 Educ. Clinic (by permission of insbeuctor) 05 csr. Haiti ime Bi trod: igiwten 1:30-5:00 MWF 16F G Nash P367 Advanced Educ. Psychology...... 3 TB Oie: shih sprit. -- MWF 15 F G Nash P300 Seminar in Educ. Psychology..... 0 3:30 3:30 Th 115 F G Staff P399 Research in Educ. Psych......... 2-8 Appt Appt Appt. 18 F G Staff *Not open to students who have credit for P266 or P366. Group IV Measurement, Experimentation and Supervision E50 | A | Intro. to Educ. Measurement..... 2 10:30 10:30 ar 115 F] EFC | Althaus E50 | B | Intro. to Educ. Measurement..... 2 1:30 1:30 TT. 115 F | EFC | Althaus E166 Statistical Methods.............. 3 1OISO 3s” hee sae MWF 112 F |G E FC| Althaus E252 Educational Measurement........ S G30 ha ee MWF 308 F |G E FC} OBrien E272 Supervision of Instruction........ 2 $330) 2 Se ae fil 15 F |G E FC| OBrien E310 Methods of Research..........-. BO eek ee 4:30-6:10 Tu 115 F G OBrien E353 Educational Experimentation..... 52 ie ee Dee 8:30 MWF 15F G OBrien E370 School Surveys... . 2s 2.8.2. 8. Bbc. oe 4:30-6:10 Th 115 F G OBrien E399 Research in Ed. Meas. and Sup. ..| 2-8 Appt. Appt Appt. 120 F G Staff Group V History of Education H64 | ae | Survey of American Education... | 2 | 1:30 | 1:30 | TT | 15 F | EFC | Bayles bsg a