DIVISION Ii—Field C—Continued CouRSsE PREREQUISITE No. Src. CouRsE Courses Cr. TIME Day Room | Bupe.| Instructor PHYSIOLOGY 1 <-ss| Bdementary Physiology}. <.4\2o..3..2 22. 5 A TEC UR Gee es Rg EN hea ee 8:30 MWF 20 FS | Walling B Ftectureie hc), eee Sis. Bepaerl ae ee ae ee 9:30 MWF 20 FS | Siler Cc Tecturent bc. SR: . ae eo A 11:30 MWF 20 FS | Phillips D POCtnr ones ren hes Se ee eae cle 1:30 MWF 20 FS | Walling A Laboratory. : Wear... Mma eS 8 8:30-10:20 TT 24 FS | Walling, r Dearborn B TPaboratory..t: Wyte =. Cea ee Ne 10:30-12:20 cr 24 FS | Swan, ~ Dearborn Cc Waboratoryntt:. Wen .5). bl tea teaaen aoe ee Me 1:30-3:20 ep 24 FS | Walling, Swan 2 Applied Physiology........ Or 502.8 Ges 2 9:30 TT 20 FS | Stoland 50 Human Physiologyieas. 3-1) Ries. 4 eS 3 10:30 MWF 20 FS | Walling 162 ....| Adv. Topics in Physiology..| 165 or 170...... 2-5 Appt. Appts. | ae.ctaee o. Woodard 271 A | Medical Physiology........ WiOss oboe: 5 WsSCtUT OS sao ea reeds tae i ee 8:30 MTWT 101 Ss Stoland diaboratery ss... o0 io ales ce ee 1:30-5:20 MED Gy teeth Hal ivicaseox Stoland, Siler, Swan B_ | Medical Physiology........ TORR aio aisles 5 THOOUTITOS fot. RWS os ues Ne |e ee 8:30 MW 501 Ss Woodard TT 502 Ss Deboratory 1... eee ee ee 1:30-5:20 Weis aio estab ee es Woodard, Phillips, Siler BIOCHEMISTRY 150 Biological Chemistry.......| Chem. 161...... 5 Ibestureas. ct. SA ea ees hee 9:30 MTWTF 101 iS} Nelson Daboratory. ice NS ee ee 1030-12220 | aces ec ae 103 | BCL | Nelson and asst. 151 Biol. Chem.—Quan. Meth..| 150............ 3 Thectitregia: | i. ome Mia poeta Ste 11:30 F 205 | BCL | Nelson Ibaboratory. 3). sees ql pai le fee 10:20-12:20) WTh 103. | BCL |} Nelson and asst. By. Adv. Biol. Chemistry]... .. WOO mg eee 2-5 Appt. Appt. 103 | BCL | Neison + Enrollment may be made lecture and laboratory. =~ Not open to those who have credit for Physiology 1. { No student may receive more than 10 hours of credit in courses 150, 151, 152. Physical or Biological Science. — 16— for any desired combination of lecture and laboratory sections, but must include both These courses may count as either