DIVISION IV—Continued CourRsE No. SEc. CouRSsE PREREQUISITE CouRSsES PHYSICAL EDUCATION (Men) One hour credit in Physical Education involv Cr. TIME Day Room Bupa.| Instructor of which must be completed before any credit is given. MEN First Haur SemMrestER la |....| Elementagy Basketball.....|..........: ase 4 11:30 ~MWE-| 200] R Allen -——— 2a A | Elementary Tennis. . eerie sie hoe ais. s >< | % 11:30-.- TEP 101 R Raport B | Flementasy Tennis. tat... %| % | 290° [epewe | tor] R | Alphin 3a | A-| Elementary Swimming.....|............ \e.} 14 9:30 TTF} | Pool} R | Allphin B | Elementary Swimming.....|........... a. 4.1 40:30" MWEF® | Pool R Allphin » C—Biementary-Swimming-~ 77 c]7.. ee ee 10:30" PEPE }+-Poot+ Re Adpiir Get oe a 5a_t-+..| Hand eerie ee PS 88-101 +R —+-Rapors 6a |. Individual Gymnastics..... o . 2:30: ¢- TTFY 101 R Allphin Sack: General Phys. Education. oe 4:30 =| -—MWE 101 R AMfphin sea 128 ile Elemen. Modern Dance... . 2:307 MWE 102° \v-R: Byrn 18 4 Varsity Athleticst......... Appt. Appt. felis Bee saliinee ot Staff 41a |. Elementary Golf.......... 11:30 MWF 102 | RR | @retiiiiamans hit te. Advaneed-Golferrev007> > |—14:30 TIF} —|~-102- | R | ila 42a A | Elementary Fencing. ...... 3:30 2-7 TTF + 101 R Raport_ eh \ B-\Elementary-Fencing:..... 4:30 TTF} |” tory; Raport_ Feat 43a, | _|-Ktem Tap-Danving 7 _|—9:30- —|—_ ew} —“T02-+—-R—-|-Byrn__ ga 43b—|—~......|-_ Intermed?” icing: cn) man 2 3 Orem Rn TOT Rte - 44a |....| Elem. Social Dancing...... 3:30 MWF 102 R Byrn 44b—.|.....| Intermed. Social’Dancing =} —~ 2-807 ae 102.4}... R--}|—Byrn— 45a A |: Elementary Badminton.... EEZOs TTFT 102 R Stapleton B—|-Elemet d EERE ABO-s EWE 102 TR | Reporte 8, 46a | A | Elementary Archery....... -11:30— | MWF gt’ 102 | R | Staplet oN B peer Archery... 3:30). MWP ¥|' 102] R “poe ae 46c Advanced Archery......... 4:30£<|_. TTEY 102| R ees a « ue ; ~ Suconp Har SEMESTER / 7 es Ib |....] Intermed. Basketball...... DB iis eshoke ot eee 4 11:30 TT EY 200 R Allén get! 3b A | Intermed. Swimming.......| 3a........ | hae eps ae 9:30 ey Pool R Allphin B | Intermed. Swimming.......| 3a......../ 27, % 10:30 MWEF +| Pool R Allphin }-©—~-Intermed. Swimming=-7.> 7) 3a. oo — i Fe —p—10:30——}-— TT FT | Pool | RR} Aliphin- 6b | A |} Individual Gymnastics.....|............. J | % _ 2:30 — ~MWE 101 R Allphin .B...|..Individual- Gy tie Tye, ee pRB PLET | 101). R—~}-Allphin 8b |...) General Phys; Pducationy/.|... esa. odes fa | % 4:30 MWwr 101 R Allphin 12c |....] Adv. Modern Dance....... 12a rch 25h. oh ket a 2:30 , 4° MWF 102} R | Byrn 15a Ay, |; Blementary-Boxing, (i. o. |e. .G isn. ds o: 4%~| 40:30 MWF 101 R Raport aa | é Boxing, ann mnerrnnn ened G.,| 346-3} 508030——| "PEP gl 3-101-+—R—}-Raport 18 Varsity Athleticst......... ea bo. =) Appt. Apter tte oa aan Staff Elementary Peneing...ncsccee rer rire rrr arn PSG ABO em MEE 101 Ro Raport 42b | A | Intermediate Fencing...... RBS ores os ede 3:30. [ TLIF}- 101 R Raport ——}-B—Hintermediate Fencing... 42a rrr eeers Pel 36 | eh i8 Ob EEE} —10T | RReor—. 43b_|....] rm: i 43a Y. % 9:30-——_MWF | 102 |~R|-Byrn “ 43c_ Ady Pap-Dancing ..1.0100n}- 48d grrrererres} de 2:30 | Pe EP+—} T0821 Bt Been 44b Intermed. Social Dancing. .| 44a.".......... % 3:30 MWF 102 R Byrn Ve 44c¢ |....] Adv. Social Dancing....... db Kid bs cade % 2:30 TIF} $02, Rh eee 45a | A | Elementary Badminton....|............/e.] 34 | -16:30 MWF | 102] R |SC44eCan : B | Elementary Badminton....|........... f>..| 4% | 11:30.\| MwF | 102] RB tt —m G@ | Elementary Badminton.....|..00........ ca op 3:30 4 TTFT 102 R Stapleton - - 45c | A | Advanced Badminton...... SDB ss eas 5's 2 1 Me ELBO. + PEEL 1025) oR Stapleton oe B | Advanced Badminton...... Aber 28 I) 44») @ar30 MWF | 102] R | Raport -. C | Advancéd Badminton...... Mae os SSO MWR ||: 10} Re es enrollment in both a first-half and second-half semester sport, both j The Friday period for the TTF classes may be at a different hour than the TT hour. The enrollment for the Friday period must be made with the Physical Education adviser. ¥ Varsity athletics may be scheduled only for one-half of each semester.