: DIVISION Ii—Field B—Continued CourRsE PREREQUISITE No: Src. CouRSsE Conta Cr. TIME Day Room | Bupa.| Instructor CHEMISTRY—Concluded 151 Quantitative Analysis Tos 5oy Sos. See 72 TECOTOR Se aes ee Sere 3:30 M 205 | BCL | Weeks asaboratony.ccck aise. a Sie aol eos 8:30-11:20 WF 208 | BCL | Weeks and or assts. 1:30-4:20 er 3 AOCUIEO til Miia bee eb Pe se BE ey [eae 3:30 M 205 | BCL | Weeks ADOLACONY Sf 6 cS EULA OS es Ge ok ee a 8:30-11:20 WF 208 | BCL | Weeks and or assts. 1:30-4:20 ee 5 WOCEUTE ie ee eS cre oe ba abe we BES 10:30 or TT 201 | BCL | Allen, Weeks 1:30 EDOPRLOLY 26 oo a en cae 5 ies sie os ot oe 8:30-11:20} MWF 208 | BCL | Weeks and or assts. 1:30-4:20 152 Chem. Eng. Lab. I§....... (See catalogue) 1 1:30-4:20 MWF 24 | BCL | Marshall 152A Water Analysis............ PB rei 3 Wechune sits sees eS | ckaasiciess us cists oteee afta ust 11:30 Del 105 | M | Haney HARNHOLAUOLG oie creer | ete s ee as fos waa] eer oe 1:30-4:20 M 15 M Haney 152C GastAnalysis.scs.:0e:-: 2. Re ieee, 2 Appt. Appt. 18 | BCL | Allen 152D ROOUTANAIYRIB oe ss Le 151 and 161 or 3 Appt. Appt. 308 | BCL | Werner 162. 153 Bre ARSAVINGS 5o:0% 55. sce: Pp tess Se ts 3 1:30-4:20 MWF 10; H Kinney, Grider 161 Gen. Organic Chemistry....| 3.............. 5 iReotureand: Recitation =<]. esse ecco seals see's 11:30 or MWF 201 | BCL | Brewster 1:30 A DOEAEOLY aor soe ois olin fore Petree buss cited eisai 9:30-12:20 TT 108 | BCL | Brewster and or assts. 1:30-4:20 Er or 2:30-5:20 MW 162 Organic Chemistry If...... Oe Secs eis ks 5 Denture and Rechtestion ss|. cts eo oe eer eee se as 9:30 MWF 201 | BCL | Dains MaADOrAtGby. aa5) 6 a5s oe ns oss t a shs Ses eee es 9:30-12:20 TT 108 | BCL | Brewster and or assts. 1:30-4:20 163 Organic Chemistry II...... 1G6ior 1626 as: 5 SOGUURG oS 2 ee [ee oe ree aisles 6 alee waters 1:30 MWF 101 | BCL | Dains TaADORRtOTY-< 08 6 ts ce eee ba ee ieee 8:30-12:20 Ta 108 | BCL | Brewster and or assts. : 1:30-4:20 171 Phys. Chem., General...... 151 and 161 or 5 162; Phys. and Calculus. Dectureand Recitawons -|'s ac sacs 6s 2 kS eds est ss 10:30 MWF 101 | BCL | Taft PADOTALOLY,. oo. Fee ee a ee ce ie so eee el [ Sees ae 8:30-11:20 Tr 110 | BCL |} Taft and assts or 1:30-4:20 189 General Metallurgy........ Boo es Seater es 2 11:30 ek 101 H Kinney 190 Metallurgy ie e282 scans Bit oes see 3 9:30 MWF 203 H Kinney + Two hour Quantitative Analysis courses are not offered except for students who are not going to take any addi- tional Quantitative Analysis. Biochemistry. + Not open for credit to students who have credit for General Organic Chemistry. § Counts for professional credit toward the A. B. degree. =16= These courses are offered for pre-medics and Bacteriology majors as prerequisite for