ef . DIVISION IV—Continued CouRSsE No. Src. CouRSsE PREREQUISITE CouRSsES Cr. TIME Day Room Bupa. INSTRUCTOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION One hour credit in Physical Education involves enrollment in both a first-half and a second-half semester sport, both of which must be completed before any credit is given. WOMEN First Harr SemMEstER 2a Acaullementary lenis) 0.60 c-c|sc sciet Sess Me % 3:30 MWF 102 R Stapleton B | Elementary Tennis........|....... Mots fo.| 1% 3:30 TTFt 102 | R | Stapleton 2b. Intermediate Tennis....... QO Netier scsi oe He % 10:30 MWF 1025S R Byrn 2c |). 2|eAdvanced Tennis. 7.03.4... QDeS a en at votes | 10:30 DERE 102 R Hoover 3a Av |Mlementary: Swimming... |. > .2ksses sees £2. % 11:30 LTEL Pool R Hoover iBi-| lementary Swimming... ..||....0..2s04 6. [+e ¥% 2:30 MWE Pool R Hoover 3b Intermediate Swimming....| 3a.......... AR) 1 11:30 MWEF Pool R Hoover 9a Elementary Hockey........|.....2..000% a % 4:30 TTFt 102} R_ | Hoover 9c Advanced Hockey......... Oates ses é 4% 4:30 MWE 102 R Hoover 12a Elementary Modern Dance.|............ HS.) 2:30 MWF 102 | R Byrn i yy 4la Mlementary- Golf... 2% veils aeons oS oa kas % 11:30 MWF 102 R Oatnrean 62 pe 41e | .-~eAdsvaneed-Golf. rehher ly 41:30. EDEL. LQ Qed ome, akin 42a A | Elementary Fencing....... % 3:30 TTF{T 102 R Raport B | Elementary Fencing....... % 4:30 TLET 102 EY Raport 43a Elementary Tap Dancing... % 9:30 MWF 102 R Byrn 43b- Int diate-Tap-Dancing..+ 36-—-——-9130 PEPE 102—}..R-—|- Byrn. 44a |....| Elementary Social Dancing. % 3:30 MWF 102 R Byrn 44b—|..-.|~Intermed.-Soeial-Dancing-..|- Jame 2G Qn P PRY | 102 | RByee 45a A oe Badminton. Rous ane seks “sas 2: 11:30- TPET 102 R Stapleton pe B-|Elementary-Badminton--7[-- orton ee One | te Om eer ~Raport- ° Pe era 46a | A fleachiar? Aroleey Peer ee ee th Hf }. % 11:30 MWE 102] R Stapleton B | Elementary Archery.......]..........00000- % 3:30 MWF 102 2 | 46c Advanced Archery......... AOR ihe oa Bhs % 4:30 TTFT 102 R ik Sreconp Hatr SEMESTER 7 3b A | Intermediate Swimming....|] 3a............. 4% 11:30 TTFtT Pool R Hoover B | Intermediate Swimming....| 3a........ ae. 4% 2:30 MWF Pool! 5 °oR Hoover 3e Advanced Swimming.......) 3b......... 7. oe ee 11:30 MWF Pool | R Hoover Ta Elementary Tumbling......]........... £9..) % 11:30 MWF 102 | R | Byrn 8 Gen. Physical Education. ..|..:........ / &.. 4% 10:30 TTF 102 }-R Hoover 12c¢ Advanced Modern ee sy id 7 aa 2+ | % 2:30 MWE 102 R Byrn 13a Hilentsbolk Dancing .. 26...) siecle ts eee (6 ..) 1% 11:30 TTFt 102 R Byrn aa es lementary: HENGINS 0.6 051s. . Res ok ec ee bes 4% 4:30 MWEFE 102 R Raport 42b A | Intermediate Fencing...... 2a) Er Weles at's ene. % 3:30 TERT 102 R Raport B | Intermediate Fencing...... ADP oon cis wees X% 4:30 TTF 102/528 Raport 43b Intermed. Tap Dancing....] 43a...... Fe eal my 9:30 MWE 102 R Byrn 43c PR Remperet SD sce vss oe vt % 9:30 TTFt 102. R Byrn 44b Intermed. Social Dancing...| 44a..... a fo. Bal Ye 3:30 MWE 102 R Byrn 446 eae Adwanced-Social Dancing... 44D BASSES 4% 2:30 TTFt 102} R het 45a A’ \eBlemerntary Badminton o..|05 6. 655 sees 8 % 10:30 MWE 102:| R A B | Elementary Badminton....|.............2+- % 11:30 MWF_ | 102| R_ | Stapleton Jaf of 6 brben aap | | 8 102-|--R- —|-Stapleton 45c A | Advanced Badminton...... AD Biro oo o's Hoe 4% 11:30 TTFT 102 | R Stapleton, B—|-Advaneed-Badmintor POW a eis ais scale: % 1:30 TW P40 OQ cnc riexeshe OAD OR beeper? C | Advanced Badminton...... ADR ete Ss has % 3:30 MWF 102 R —