DIVISION III MAJOR GROUP IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES A group major is offered in the social sciences, designed as a means of training students who expect to become high-school teachers in this field. REQUIREMENTS: (1) A minimum of 16 hours of History, to include 6 hours of junior-senior courses in American History and 6 hours junior-senior courses in other than American History; (2) a minimum of 8 hours of Economics, including courses 90 and one of the following: 50, Money and Banking; 161, Public Finance; 170, Labor Economics; 292, Advanced Principles; (3) a mini- mum of 8 hours of Political Science, including course 10, American Government, and any 3-hour junior-senior course; (4) Elements of Sociology (preferably course 50) and one or more junior- senior courses to make a total of not fewer than 8 hours of Sociology. The regulations governing the maximum credits obtainable in departments, fields, and divisions also apply Those planning to teach the social sciences are expected to enroll for this major, and should con- sult the group adviser, Prof. C. B. Realey. DIVISION IlI—Field A CoursE PREREQUISITE No. EC. CouRSsE Gnomes Cr. TIME Day Room | Brpa.| Instructor HISTORY 1 male Sle NIGdIOV BI SHIStORY. con. alc ements 5 8:30 MTWTF 112 FS | Patterson 3 AST eNiadermsnurTopes eh ena. ea. eee ures 5 T1330 MTWTF 112 FS | Melvin Be Modern Murope. 28) o elo ee 5 1:30 MTWTF 214 FS | Realey 5 A | English History........... Not open to jun. D 10:30 MTWTF | 214 FS | Crawford and seniors. B | English History........... Ditto. 205 ie 5 1:30 MTWTF 103 FS | Paullin © | -Binglish-bistory........... Ditton a es 5 2:30 MTWTF 214 FS | Realey a | he American beople. 42 |e niuee ee 5 9:30 MTWTF 110 FS | Malin Bo herAmerican-Peoples. ..|/ oe eek 5 10:30 MTWTF 112 FS | Paullin 90 Reading for Honors........| Majors with per-| 2-4 Appt. Appt. Appt.| Appt.| Staff mission of dept. 150 Greek: History. = 28 23 5h. College Hist. iS 9:30 MWF 112 FS | Patterson 152 Medieval Institutions...... IGCOg ok ee oe 2 10:30 aE 110 FS | Patterson 156 Foundations of Mod. Europe] Ditto.......... 3 1:30 MWFE 112 FS | Melvin 158 Nineteenth Cent. Europe...| Ditto.......... 3 10:30 MWEF 110 FS | Melvin 160 Hinglishebistoryay ence. see Me an ee 3 9:30 MWF 214 FS | Crawford 161 British Mmpires.3. 02. .2. : 5 h. College Hist. 3 8:30 MWFE 214 FS | Realey 163 Hist. of English LawI..... OOP 6022 oe 2 8:30 rE 214 FS | Crawford 168 WeatinvAmerica. 20.2.0 =.."; 5 h. College Hist. 3 2:30 MWF 110 FS | Davis 177 Hist. of Trans-Miss. West aiter tS o0tn cana ceri es og he et ee 2 8:30 Ay 110 FS | Malin 181 The U. S., 1783-1829.......] 5 h. College Hist. 3 1:30 MWF 110 FS | Davis 183 Mater America des... 20.4). IDIttO sss hee 3 8:30 . MWF 110 FS | Malin 7 Not open to students who have had course 5. = Prerequisite, 5 hours American History, or high-school American History and 5 hours College History. ee oe