November 6, 1945 | : | Drs D. M. Strong & "Lalas Hospital sas City, Missouri — Dear Dr» Strongs As I promised you, I am sending you a copy of the Rebound that deo scribed briefly the emotions between brother and brother when they met on the high sease Mrs. Allen told me about the sad incident of your losing your only twin brother just before the war ended, and she alse told we the une any shpounctenbes ‘in which your father ost his own twin brother in the first were Only those who have traveled the Gol- gotha Road can uaderstande. ZF You are been so except) om ty Kind to Mrse oo. that she has a ffee | for , go on to erext success wat on you intonbeadly eet eiee E Louteot the high quality of professional service that you have rendered hers i am also sending you a copy of Rebound 163 it is too long to read . @ll of it, but you might sketch over parts of it thet night interest ae youe i have done the best I could with the Rebound for the boys who cares We at home, i feel, have done so little, | ' Forrest C, Allen, Director Physical Education p Varsity Basketball Coach “paar, November /, 1945 Lt. Gal, V. Lundgren Divisional Commander The Salvation Army . cee: 1319 Broadway | . Kansas City 6, Missouri Dear Col. Lundgren: I thank you for your kind invitation to attend the 80th Anniversary celebration of the Salvation Army at the Municipal Auditorium in Kansas City on Sunday, November 1, 1945. I regret exceedingly but I will be unable to attend but I do wish for your fine organization and you — . a most joyous and uplifting occasion, Certainly your army has done a great service and we all honor you and your organization. . With every good wish, I an Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity “asketball Coach “CA: 1n WILLIAM BOOTH FOUNDER GRANT STAUFFER GENERAL CHAIRMAN COMMISSIONER JOHN J. ALLAN. TERRITORIAL COMMANDER ent GEORGE L. CARPENTER GENERAL LT. COLONEL VICTOR LUNDGREN ; DIVISIONAL. COMMANDER THE SALVATION ARMY 1945 0. KANSAS and W. MISSOURI DIV. ep KANSAS CITY 6, MQ. COMMITTEES ON ARRANGEMENTS PROGRAM JOHN T. HARDING, CHAIRMAN DR. EMORY LINDQUIST ELMER C. RHODEN DALE M. THOMPSON GEORGE H. FORSEE FRED GOLDMAN BRUCE B. BREWER * DEAN CLAUDE W. SPROUSE, CHRMN. JOSEPH F. PORTER FRANK C. KENYON MAJOR RAY THOMAS ADJUTANT K. BEASLEY * HOTELS AND HOUSING MRS. H. B. OREAR MRS. JACK NOURSE } cCO-CHAIRMEN H. E, BONING, BRIGADIER A.V. CASS * PUBLICITY MURRELL CRUMP, CHAIRMAN W. J. KREBS MISS NADINE MILLER JOHN McDERMOT * AUDITORIUM AND SEATING SENN LAWLER, CHAIRMAN CLARENCE B. HOFF BRIGADIER A. V. CASS * RECEPTION COMMITTEE T. J. STRICKLER, CHAIRMAN FRED WOLFERMAN RUBY D. GARRETT RAY W. NILES L. P. COOKINGHAM MRS. JOHN B. GAGE MRS. W. P. MUNGER * ADVISORY BOARD KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI GRANT STAUFFER, CHAIRMAN H. P. WRIGHT, VICE-CHAIRMAN GEORGE H. FORSEE, SECRETARY E. W. BACHARACH W. E. BIXBY GEO. A. BREON RUBY D. GARRETT FRED GOLDMAN JOHN T. HARDING FRANK C. KENYON MRS. FRANK C. NILES RAY W. NILES MRS. JACK NOURSE MRS. H. B. OREAR JOSEPH F. PORTER ELMER RHODEN DEAN CLAUDE W. SPROUSE T. J. STRICKLER DR. RICHARD L. SUTTON, SR. FRED WOLFERMAN October 29, 1945 Mr. Forrest C. Allen 801 Louisiana Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: Re: Salvation Army 80th Anniversary Celebration Municipal Auditorium - Kansas City, Mo, Sunday, November 18, 1945 - 3:00 P. M. The friends of the Salvation Army in Greater Kansas City are organizing a great mass meeting to commemorate the 80th anniversary of this organization. On the program will appear General Evangeline Booth (R), the daughter of William Booth, the Founder of The Salvation Army. The General is an internationally famous speaker and this occasion will in all probability bring to the people of these central states the last opportunity to hear her in person as she, also, is observing her 80th anniversary this year. Music will be furnished for this event by the Kansas City Philharmonic Orchestra and the Bethany College Messiah Chorus of Lindsborg, Kansas. Because of your special interest in the Army, as indicated by your membership on our Advisory Board in your city, we should like very much to have you come and celebrate this occasion with us. I shall appreciate it if you will fill in and return the enclosed form and reserved seat tickets will be mailed to you. Cordially yours, she peak Shy October 25, 1945 Mr. G. C. Shanholtzer Secretary-Manager Atchison Chamber ef Commerce Atchison, Kansas Dear G. C.°s I enjoyed my visit with vou today and talking over old times back in 1920, I am sending you Jayhawk Rebound Number 18. Thought you might enjey reading about the 1920 Homecoming Pay game. Some of the rest may not prove too interesting reading but it will give you a Montegomery Ward catalogue to look over for awhie. Rotarily yours, FCA: lm Enc. JR OFFICE OF VETERANS’ AFFAIRS OF STATE OF KANSAS DOUGLAS COUNTY UNIT COMMUNITY BUILDING LAW RENCE, KANSAS TELEPHONE 872 November 5, 1945 Dr, F. C. Allen 801 Louisiana Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Aliens Thank you for your courtesy in coming down to our meeting last Thursday night and giving us a very interesting and instructive talk, After you and Mr. Schenk had left the meeting there was a great deal of very favorable comment on your remarks, and I am sure that all of the Legion Men- bers join me in thanking you very much for being with us. Inasmuch as Mr. Schenk is in your same office, I would be very pleased if you would convey our thanks to him also, end may we wish both of you the best of luck with your teams this season, Cordially yours, GEO. O. STARKEY Octeber 29, 1945 Miss Blizabeth Schmahl 611 Scott Avenue Fort Leyvenworth, Kansas Deer Miss Schnahl: -Your letter addressed to the registrar has been referred to this office. A course,called "Personal Hygiene" was offered here a: University during the Fall and Spping senesters of 1942 and 1943, by the Physical Education Department. Sincerely, Lela Mings, Secretary 3 DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTiRS Oct. 18, 1945 Topeka, Kansas. OUR fay? There is one day each year when our citizens join hands across the nation to render grateful tribute to our mighty Navy. . October 27th was originally selected for the annual observance of Navy Day for two reasons: It commemorates the historic day in the year 1775 when the Continental Congress received a Bill providing for the creation of a fleet to protect a struggling nation. Thet particular day also marks the birthday of President Theodore Roosevelt, who recognized the vital need for a powerful Navy and gave nis hearty support to e program which resulted in a Navy respected by every nation on earth. Plans are now in motion to make ‘this year's Navy Day celebrations the most enthus- iastic and the greatest in our history. Navy Day dinners; luncheons; public meetings; parades with bands end floats; church and school programs; newspaper articles, and radio addresses ere some of the logical and appropriate ways to honor our Navy. One of the finest ways for a community to express its gratitude and recognition of the vital need for the continuance of a powerful Sea-Air Navy during peacetime as well as war, is to form an official Navy League Council, and plan to have the formal presentation of the Nevy League Council charter climax a Navy Day luncheon or dinner. Regardless of the size of your community, start your plans right now for a patriotic Navy Day celebration this year. No city is too large, and no town or village is too small to play its part in this sincere tribute to our grand Navy. As an official of The American Legion, you are urged to work with your local committee in making this program a big success. If you do not have a local committee, you should take the lead in creating some sort of a community program. The least you can do is to devote a special, called, Legion and Auxiliary meeting for this purpose. More information may be obtained from:- The Navy League of the United States, The Mills Building, Washington 6, D. C. Herewith inclosed is a brief news release pertaining to the latest ruling of the Surplus Property Board. Pamphlets will soon be available giving full end complete details as to how, when, and where a veteran may purchase this property. Read it, and pass it on to your Service Officer, and others. YOU, Mr. Post Commander, have a definite cbligation to go to work on the "Gifts To Yanks Who Gave" program. ‘ You should have e Chairman, cr Committee, appointed by now, and you must see that all information on this subject reaches the Chairman. You should, by all means, seek the full cooperation of your Auxiliary Unit. Get everyone in your community to listening to the Eddie Cantor program on each Wednesday night at 8:00. Complete information will come along later, BUT you must start preparing NOW. And don't forget to bring every membership card you cen possibly muster to the Conference at Emporie. These cards will be turned in during the "Membership Forum", which will be conducted by Legionnaire Andy Schvoeppel, Monday morning, October 22. "NO GROUP OF LIVING MEN SO INSPIR: Mk, AND NO GROUP DO I HOLD IN SUCH REVLRENCE, AS THOSE WHO NOW COMPOSE THE MsMBRRSHIP OF THE AMERICAN LEGION." SIGNED: General Douglas A. MacArthur. See you ah Emporea) _ Her} Lewis E. SELDERS FINANCE BUILDING 1009 BALTIMORE AVENUE KANSAS CITY 6, MISSOURI 19465 October Eighth My dear Mr. Allen: Many thanks to you for your interesting letter of October 6, accompanied by a copy of “Jayhawk Rebounds”, which is sincerely appreciated. I, too, enjoyed very much seeing you again and want to say that what you had to say regarding some rather important matters on that occasion in Emporia was very surprising to me. I want you to know that I certainly share your opinion on some of these social matters, With kindest personal regards, please know me ever to be Your friend, LES: IR Mr. Forrest C. "Phog" Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas V6 November 2, 1945 Ensign Ora William Sapp Augusta, “Kansas Dear Bill: msign Don Diehl just dropped in for a little visit and during our interesting conversation he mentigned your name particularly. Don said that you would be coming by perhaps in a week and might be coming on to ' the University to have a "lookesee" for a day or s0. : ' If such a thing should happen we would. like mighty well for you to drop in and say hello to us. If your visit should happen to be in the afternoon we would like for you to work out with our boys here on the liill, Our varsity is working every afternoon se Mow @ither in Robinson or in Hoch Auditorium whero we play so please feel that you would be mighty welcome to shoot a few baskets with the Jayhawkers. Don is going . to work out this afternoon with va boys. Be a lot of fun meeting this present crop of Jayhawkers. We are hoping that you will be one of them in the not too adie t future. ~ Your old coachets wife Mrs. Shirk, came by to say hello the other day. SHhe was up buying football tickets and came up on the gym floor to say hello. Dave has been in the hogpital wecovering from a back injury but we are hoping that he soon snaps out of it. I know that we both agree that Lt. Dave Shirk as a coach is tops. With every good wish and congradulations on your bar, I am Pe Yours very sincerely, Direotor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coadh : FCAslm AMERICA’S PIONEER DEFENSE ORGANIZATION NAVY LEAGUE OF THE UNITED STATES ’ (INCORPORATED 1903) “THE CIVILIAN ARM’ OF THE NAVY” WASHINGTON, D. C. October 12, 1945 HARRY DARBY VICE-PRESIDENT AND DIRECTOR KANSAS CITY 15, KANSAS OO00000 PLEASE REPLY TO: F. L. SCHLAGLE CHAIRMAN FOR NAVY DAY OCTOBER 27, 1945 LIBRARY BUILDING KANSAS CITY 16, KANSAS TO THE COUNTY CHATRMEN: Many fine reports have been sent to me by County Chairman regarding the plans they have under way for the observance of Navy ‘Day. From all indications, our celebration this year will be one of the best Kansas has ever had, -and I know that I can depend upon you to see that your County does its full share in contributing to the over-all success of our program. Stationery has been mailed to you and speech material should have reached you from the Washing-. ton office. In checking with the Navy Public Relations Office in Kansas City, Missouri, I find that requests for speakers have been rather slow in reaching them. As soon as you have definitely decided upon the date for your program at which you desire a speaker, please write to them, being certain to mention the time, place, and approximate attendance. It has been customary for the Chief Executive of each community to issue a Navy Day proclamation, and I am enclosing a suggested statement that may be used if so desired. It should be understood, however, that it is only a suggestion and additions and changes may be made, or an entirely different one used in its place. Any pro- clamation used,-however, should be checked with the attorney for your community before its issuance. Local proclamations should follow he proclamation that will be made by the Governor of Kansas on or about October 17. I am enclosing information regarding the memorial service to be held on Sunday, October 21. If publicity has not been given in your local papers on this event, I would suggest that you see that your community is informed of it. If there is any way in which I can aid you, feel free to call upon me, Yours very truly, S:H | Navy Day Chairman Ene losures for the State of Kansas. “IF YOU GANT JOIN THE NAVY, JOIN THE NAVY LEAGUE” MEMORIAL SERVICES - NAVY DAY SUNDAY Commodore Sheldon Clark, President of the Navy League of the United States has announced that Sunday, October 2lst has been designated as NAVY DAY SUNDAY. It is the Nevy's desire that this day shall be a specicl day of tribute to the men in all the Services who have lost their lives at sea in the defense of the United States. Of those whose last resting place is beneath the waters of the world, few have been paid fitting tribute. The Navy, therefore, will scatter flowers upon the waters throughout the world, traditional ceremony for honoring those who lost their lives at sea, to express the sentiments of a deeply grateful nation. So that the people of the United States may participate in.these ceremonies, the Secretary of the Navy has designated ports on the Continent and in our territories and dependencies to which flowers may be sent for transport to sea on Sunday, October 2lst. The designated ports ares Portland, Me. Miami, Flea. Portland Ore. Boston, liasse Tampa, Fla. Seattle, Washe New London, Conn. Pensacola, Fla. Anchorage, Alaska New York City, Ne Ye Mobile, Ala. Dutch Harbor Philadelphia, Pa. Chicago, Ill. (For Great Lakes) Honolulu or Pearl Harbor Washington, D. Ce Corpus Christi, Texas Guam Norfolk, Vae San Diego, Calif. Manila Charleston, Se Ce Terminal Island, Calif. Sen Juan, Pe Re Sevannah, Ga. San Francisco, Calif. St. Thomas, Ve. Ie Pango Pango, Samoa It is requested that only ONE FLOWER be forwarded to the Senior Naval Chaplain at each of the designated naval ports with the exception of the following: Portland, Oree Send flower to Commandant, 13th Naval District, Seattle Mobile, Ala. ” . to Sth * ” New Orleans Savennah, Gae . " re 64: * * Charleston, S. Ce It is hoped that wherever possible this flower may be wild or home grown and in no case should the expenditure exceed a modest nominal sum. All flowers received prior to midnight, October 20th at the designated ports will be placed on a suitable naval vessel which, after appropriate all- faith ceremonies at the dock side will proceed to sea to a point out of sight of land and there scattered on the waters. For any additional details please contact National Headquarters, Nevy League of the United States, 822 Mills Building, Washington 6, D. Ce Telephone District 5320. AMERICA’S PIONEER DEFENSE ORGANIZATION NAVY LEAGUE OF THE UNITED STATES (INCORPORATED 1903) “THE CIVILIAN ARM OF THE NAVY” WASHINGTON, D. C. HARRY DARBY VICE-PRESIDENT AND DIRECTOR KANSAS CITY 15, KANSAS SOOCOOOO PLEASE REPLY TO: F. L. SCHLAGLE CHAIRMAN FOR NAVY DAY OCTOBER 27, 1945 LIBRARY BUILDING KANSAS CITY 16, KANSAS To the people of , Greeting: The year, 1945, will be ever remembered as the year in which peace was restored to a war-torn world, The United States will always be indebted to the men who made this victory possible, and for this reason, we pay special tribute this year on Navy Day to the men of our United States Navy, the Naval Air Force, the Marines, and the Coast Guard. The history of the heroic deeds of our fleet is reflected on all the waters throughout the world, and it is with due pride that we salute the men, many of whom paid the supreme price, that our ‘ships may again sail on peaceful waters. Now, therefore, I » Mayor of Kansas, do hereby proclaim October 27 as Navy Day and call upon all our citizens to take part in its proper observance as we unite in a nation-wide salute to the men and ships of the United States Navy. Mayor (or Chief Executive) S:H : “IF YOU CAN'T JOIN THE NAVY, JOIN THE NAVY LEAGUE” September 25, 1945 Mr. F. L. Schlagle Chairman for Navy Day Kansas City 16, Kansas Dear Chairman Schlagle: . In your letter of August 23 you asked that I reply to you communication by return mail. On August 25 I wrote you saying that I would be happy to accept the oe for the Glassification Clubs of the state. Your reply of September 21, nearly a month thereafter, leaves me with but little time to do this job. I had in mind asking the cooperation of the various district governors * of the Kansas Classification Clubs to notify the respective presidents of the observance of Navy Day on October 27, By using the covernorts monthly letter to the presidents this could have been done with little cost in the way of postage. Perhaps it is not yet.too late. In my September Governor: o .....-. presidents in District 123 I mentioned Navy Day. I am sending you a copy of my letter for your inspection. I waited for your confirmation but was afraid that it. would not get to our’ clubs in time wmless I took it for granted. / You are in a better position to give me this infor- mation than I am to get it. Will you kindly furnish ne with the names of the Classification Clubs that operate in this state. I am thinking of Rotary, Kiwanis, Lyons, and Cooperative Clubs. I know there are others and I would appreciate this information at your early convenience. You mentioned my need of the list of county chairmans which you will send me. My idea of notifying and enlistment was somewhat different. Will you please explain to me your idea of organization or notification. I am just a little "foggy" on this. Yours very sincerely, District Governor of Rotary -FCAGLM AMERICA’S PIONEER DEFENSE ‘ORGANIZATION NAVY LEAGUE OF THE UNITED STATES (INCORPORATED 1903) “THE CIVILIAN ARM OF THE NAVY” WASHINGTON, D. C. HARRY DARBY VICE-PRESIDENT AND DIRECTOR September 21, 1945 KANSAS CITY 15, KANSAS SOSSOOC® PLEASE REPLY TO: F. L. SCHLAGLE CHAIRMAN FOR NAVY DAY OCTOBER 27, 1945 LIBRARY BUILDING KANSAS CITY 16, KANSAS Dr. F. CG. Allen District Governor, Rotary Clubs University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I was pleased to receive your recent letter in which you accepted the Chairmanship of the Kansas Classification Clubs for Navy Day. Kansas has always been an enthusiastic celebrant of this occasion and with the cessation of hostilities, we are looking forward this year to the most memorable Navy Day we have ever observed. You will, undoubtedly, want a quantity of the enclosed leaflet for distribution and if you will write me the approxi- mate number you desire, I shall be glad to send them to you. I am enclosing copies of letters and material that have been sent to the County Chairmen who have accepted assignments to date. The list of County Chairmen will be completed within a few days and stationery will then be printed and a supply sent to you. Bo very truly, evs FLL hbo Chairman for the State of Kansas S:H Enclosures “IF YOU CAN'T JOIN THE NAVY, JOIN THE NAVY LEAGUE” AMERICA'S PIONEER DEFENSE ORGANIZATION NAVY LEAGUE OF THE UNITED STATES (INCORPORATED 1903) “THE CIVILIAN ARM.OF THE NAVY” WASHINGTON, D. C. HARRY DARBY VICE-PRESIDENT AND DIRECTOR KANSAS CITY 15, KANSAS Peooooee PLEASE REPLY TO: F. L. SCHLAGLE CHAIRMAN FOR NAVY DAY OCTOBER 27, 1945 LIBRARY BUILDING KANSAS CITY 16, KANSAS TO NAVY DAY CHAIRMEN: We appreciate your cooperation in accepting the Chairman- ship for the Navy Day observance in your county. I am enclosing a booklet entitled, "Suggestions for the Observance of Navy Day for use in your activities, It contains many fine ideas for the celebration of Navy Day and I believe it will prove valuable in the planning of your programs of action. Window displays of war paraphernalia and souveniers have proved very successful in creating interest and it is suggested that this plan be used again this year. Posters and window cards will be sent to you from the Navy League in Washington, D. C. in the near future. I would suggest that you announce to your local paper or papers your appointment as Navy Day County Chairman and furnish them with information concerning your plans for the observance of Navy Day, asking them for their full cooperation. I would appreciate receiving two copies of all publicity appearing in your local papers. As soon as I have acceptances from all the County Chairmen, I will have stationery sent to you for use in this work. Navy Day Leaflets for distribution will also be forwarded to you within a short time. Yours very truly, Navy Day Chairman for the State of Kansas S:H-B Enclosure “IF YOU CANT JOIN THE NAVY, JOIN THE NAVY LEAGUE” AMERICA’S PIONEER DEFENSE ORGANIZATION NAVY LEAGUE OF THE UNITED STATES (INCORPORATED 1903) “THE CIVILIAN ARM OF THE NAVY” WASHINGTON, D. C. HARRY DARBY VICE-PRESIDENT AND DIRECTOR KANSAS CITY 15, KANSAS ee SOOCOOOD PLEASE REPLY TO: F. L. SCHLAGLE CHAIRMAN FOR NAVY DAY OCTOBER 27, 1945 LIBRARY BUILDING KANSAS CITY 16, KANSAS Mr. Harry Darby, Vice-president and Director of the Navy League of the United States has asked me to serve as Navy Day Chairman for the state of Kansas this year. You have been recommended to serve as Chairman for your County and I hope you will be in a position to accept this responsibility. You will, of course, receive the close cooperation of the national and state organizations. : | October 27 is Navy Day. It was chosen as the date for the observance of Navy Day because it marks the anniversary of the date in 1775 when the Continental Congress received the bill providing for the creation of an independent fleet. It is also the birthday of Theodore Roosevelt who recognized the need for a strong Navy, and is widely credited with being the father of our modern Navy, now the most powerful in the world. Literature is now being prepared offering suggestions for the celebration of Navy Day with posters and pamphlets to aid in the planning and preparation of appropriate observances. We would like to announce your appointment as Chairman of your County immediately and would appreciate hearing from you by return mail, Yours very truly, Navy Day Chairman for the State of Kansas S:H-B “IF YOU CAN'T JOIN THE NAVY, JOIN THE NAVY LEAGUE” \ Co~op Club-=- Write to: Rey Zeigenfuss, Executive Secretary Co-op Club International Hotel President Kansas City, Missouri Tell him what you want done and he will do it. . There is just one governor for about four states in the Co-op Club and he would not take care of this Mr. Jackson, Lawrence president, says. lIlowever, Mr. Zeigenfuss will take care of this. Kiwanis Club-- Write to: see eee Rev. Tom M. Shellenberger, Lt. Gov. lMo-Kan-Ark. District IV Kiwanis International Iola, Kansas Earl N. Rodell, Lt.Gov. Mo-Kan-Ark . Kiwanis International RESCETOU NY... 1139 Woodward Avenue Topeka, Kansas Bob M. Drake, Lt. Gov. Mo-Kan-Ark Kiwanis International District VI 2133 North. Broadway : : Wichita, Kansas : ; Maurice A. Wildgen, Lt. Gov. - Mo-Kan-Ark Kiwanis International District X First National Bank Building Larned, Kansas , James F, Meisner, Lt.Gov. Mo-Kan-Ark Kiwanis International District XI Court House Marion, Kansas. é Mr. Harold Ingham, Extension Division, tells me that these men will do the notifying. However, he comments that some of them will notify their clubs and some won't as is the case with most organizations. Lions Club--lirite to: Mr. Maurice 8. Pager 801 Harrison Street Topeka, Kansas The secretary of the Topeka. Lions Club, Mr. Russell Brow, will send the other two names to us in tonight's mail. fs Deer Mr. I have’ been asked by Mr. F. L. Schlagle, chairnan for Navy Day, “which is October 27, 1945" to accept the responsibility of contacting. all of the Classification Clubs throughout the state and asking them in turn to arrange for a suitable recognition and observance of Navy Day withint these organizations. i Bach club can depend on the close cooperation of their local Navy League Councils and their local county chairmans in the } ; work e Navy Day, October 27, was chosen HEXkMAXHE because it ames the anniversary of the date in 1775 when the Continental Congress received the bill providing for the creation of an independent fleet. [t is also the birthday of Theodore Roosevelt who eee the neéd for a strong Navy, and is widely ie credited with being iia, Patiiet of our san Navy, now the most pote in the. world. The Navy League of is United States was organized in 1902 by a group of patriotic eideanag fae tery ~“eague is a non-partisan group whose only interest is the national security which our Navy provides. : We will appreciate it very much if you will see through your organization that all:clubs in the state of Kansas under your jurisdiction are notified and encouraged to give just recognition to this most important date. Sincerely yours, OFFICERS PRESIDENT MAURICE E. FAGER, KANS. IST VICE PRESIDENT E. C. KIESWETTER, W.A.L. THOMPSON HDW. CO. 2ND VICE PRESIDENT Cc, J. POIRIER, WAR MANPOWER COM. 3RD VICE PRESIDENT WM. R. JOHNSON, S.W. BELL TELE. Co. SECRETARY-TREASURER RUSSELL R. BROWN, KANS, IND. DEV. COM. MEETING PLACE HOTEL JAYHAWK TOPEKA, KANSAS October 13, 1945 INSURANCE DEPT. Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: DIRECTORS 1. J. VERNON, THE FLEMING Co. Cc. L. CARLSON, MERCHANTS NAT'L BANK HAROLD N. CLAUSEN, PELLETIER’S VIRGIL C. MILLER, STATE BUDGET DEPT. TAIL TWISTER R. C. KEELING, STATE HIGHWAY DEPT. LION TAMER JOHN F. HARBES, JR.. STATE HIGHWAY DEPT. IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT DALE H. CARMEAN, NEw YorRK LIFE INS. Co. Your secretary called me yesterday evening and asked for the names and addresses of the District Governors of the various districts of Lions International in Kansas. name and address of the Governor in District 17-A it herewith together with the names and addresses Governors. Dr. Robert W. Diver District Governor, District 17-K Lions International Coffeyville, Kansas Maurice E. Fager District Governor, District 17-A Lions International 801 Harrison Street Topeka, Kansas Carroll Noel District Governor, District 17-N Lions International Wakeeney, Kansas I gave her over the telephone the but I am repeating of the other two Yours very truly, ssell R. Bro RRB:eld Fei eb tp TN Pete: Were, PLE EEE EEE RR dP St ME = PEC TAT / far Sec'y-Treas. Look at Kansas’ Labor Record [Part of an Advertisement] A peculiarly happy combination of circumstances seems to set Kansas labor head and shoulders above that with which indus- try has to contend in many localities. True, Kansas labor legislation is modern. The present laws : were enacted only four years ago; have recently survived a Supreme Court test. But the enviable record of Kansas labor is due primarily to the quality of labor personnel rather than to laws. Kansas labor, largely of rural origin, is willing to do a day’s work for a day’s wage; is habitually contented. The reason is simple . . . Kansas has never experienced a general strike. And with exception of local work stop- pages of short duration has not had a serious strike for more than a quarter-century enviable record! THERE ARE OTHER REASONS GET THE e e e e T ° ° e Kansas labor is intelligent; cooperative; _ «x Before completing American born. Kansas Labor Legislation your Beswar. plans is FAIR BOTH WAYS hence avoids cause you will want to read for misunderstandings and inequalities °¥" brochure Let's 2 Look Into Kansas. that breed discontent. Labor, Manage- = Mgiled to industrial ment and Government work together to = executives on request. effect profitable, pleasant relationships— an advantage you can enjoy in Kansas. KANSAS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Wm. E, LONG, Secretary-Director 805 Harrison, E Topeka, Kansas KANSAS Really MEETS INDUSTRY HALF WAY An advertisement reprinted from Fortune, Aug., 1945 W. B. HARRISON, CHAIRMAN WICHITA DEANE E. ACKERS, TOPEKA RICHARD W. ROBBINS, GREENSBURG - VICE-CHAIRMAN HARRY L. STEVENS, HUTCHINSON F. E. WELSH, WICHITA H. E. ZOLLER, WICHITA RALPH J. DUVALL, KANSAS CITY, KAN. GEORGE K. MACKIE, JR., PITTSBURG H. E. MUCHNIC, ATCHISON KANSAS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION A STATE DEPARTMENT WILLIAM E. LONG, SECRETARY-DIRECTOR TOPEKA. KANSAS October 15, 19 45 Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Vice Chrmn. Navy League of the United States c/o University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phog:" I appreciate receiving your fine letter of October 13th in regard to Navy Day, October 27th. I am writing today to the forty Lions clubs in my district asking their cooperation and suggesting that their program for the week of October 27th be a Navy Day program. I think that it is very proper that just recognition be given to this most important date. I am happy to have the opportunity to cooperate with you on this worthwhile project. Cordially yours, t Maurice E. Fager Assistant Director MEF /mde INVESTIGATE KANSAS FOR GOOD LIVING CONDITIONS, PLEASANT ENVIRONMENT, AND OUTSTANDING INDUSTRIAL OPPORTUNITIES October O, 1945 Miss Mac Harmon, Seorotary Mr. Fe Le Schlagle Chairman for Nevy Day. Kansas City 16, Kensas. Dear Miss Harmons The only way that I know to find out how to get this information is to contact the presidents of our Classification Ciub here in lawrence and got a governey to notify their resvective distriots regarding this — e ‘ ) My, Howard Quigley hae left the state and is now in Fairbault, Minnee | cota, at the Mimesota School for the Deafe Our time is short, and I think Ill use my ow j dgenont in trying to get the job dene the best I can in a very short whiles , XX Unless stationery arrives soon, the date will be upon us before wo can. use ite a I can approciate how busy Mr, Schlagle is, but I thought perhaps he had | left someone in his office to handle detaile for hime I imagine, however, that . you, like all secretaries, are deluged with other thingss Since I have two sons and @ son-in-law who are officers in the nayy, I assure you I am definite- ly interestede Sincerely yours, Forrest C. Rien, Director 7 Department of Physical Education Varsity Baskethall Coach FAns AMERICA'S PIONEER DEFENSE ORGANIZATION NAVY LEAGUE OF THE UNITED STATES (INCORPORATED 1903) “THE CIVILIAN ARM OF THE NAVY” WASHINGTON, D. C. HARRY DARBY VICE-PRESIDENT AND DIRECTOR October os 1945 KANSAS CITY 15, KANSAS SOSCOOOO PLEASE REPLY TO: F. L. SCHLAGLE CHAIRMAN FOR NAVY DAY OCTOBER 27, 1945 LIBRARY BUILDING _ KANSAS CITY 16, KANSAS Dr. F. GC. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Your letter of September 25, concerning Navy Day, received. Mr. Schlagle is delivering a series of addresses in the state of Washington at present, however, I have looked into the mat- ter of Kansas Classification Clubs for your I contacted the local Presidents of the various clubs in Kansas City, and found that no lists were available for Kansas, however, their suggestion was this; that you, when contact is made with the various local Rotary Clubs, that you obtain from them, the names of the Classification Clubs in their city, or write to the National Head of each club. Mr. Howard Quigley, Olathe, Kansas, contacted the Classi- fication Clubs over the state last year, and it might be well to write to him and see if he prepared such a list. There will be no list of county chairmen sent to you other than that contained in the letterhead stationery, and there is no special need for you to contact these men. Mr. Schlagle merely wanted to let you know that stationery would be sent to you as soon as men had been appointed for each county so that their names could be turned into the printer. Your supply of stationery should reach you the first of next week. Yours very truly, Time Resa Secretary to Mr. Schlagle “IF YOU CAN'T JOIN THE NAVY, JOIN THE NAVY LEAGUE” Mr. F. Le Schlagle Chairman for Navy Day Library Building Kansas City 16, Kansas Dear Superintendent Schlagle: I acknowledge receipt of your favor of the twenty-third instant, and I am happy to accept the Se fer the Classification Clubs of our State, in stimulating them for observanee of Navy Day for 1945. I have two Sons, Milton P. Allen, and Robert S. Axes, Wels lernee julide gated in Gn teres The _ former is in the commmications'and the latter is in the Medical Corps. I also have a son-in-law, Lt. B. R. Monz, who is a Navy Flier on Guam. That, of course, adds interest and a great incentive in the Navy. Very cordially yours, Porrest C. Allen ‘Director, Physical Riveation Varsity Basketball Coach FCA:med AMERICA’S PIONEER DEFENSE ORGANIZATION NAVY LEAGUE OF THE UNITED STATES (INCORPORATED 1903) “THE CIVILIAN ARM OF THE NAVY” WASHINGTON, D. C. HARRY DARBY VICE-PRESIDENT AND DIRECTOR KANSAS CITY 15, KANSAS August 205 1945 SOCIOOOD PLEASE REPLY TO: F. L. SCHLAGLE CHAIRMAN FOR NAVY DAY OCTOBER 27, 1945 LIBRARY BUILDING KANSAS CITY 16, KANSAS Dre Fe. GC. Allen District Governor, Rotary Clubs University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Mr. Harry Darby, Vice-president and Director of the Navy League of the United States, has asked me to serve as Navy Day Chairman for the state of Kansas this year. Because of your interest in the Classification Clubs of our state, I am asking you to accept the Chairmanship for these organizations in observance of Navy Day for 1945, We hope you will be in a position to accept this re- sponsibility and will contact all the Classification Clubs throughout the state and arrange for suitable recognition and observances of Navy Day within these organizations. You can depend upon the close cooperation of the local Navy League Councils and local county chairmen in your work, October 27 is Navy Day. It was chosen as the date for the observance of Navy Day because it marks the anniversary of the date in 1775 when the Continental Congress received the bill providing for the creation of an independent fleet. It is also the birthday of Theodore Roosevelt who recognized the need for a strong Navy, and is widely credited with being the father of our modern Navy, now the most powerful in the world. Literature is now being prepared offering suggestions for the celebration of Navy Day with posters and pamphlets to aid in the planning and preparation of appropriate observances. -“IF YOU CANT JOIN THE NAVY, JOIN THE NAVY LEAGUE” Drs F. C. Allen We would like to announce your appointment as Chairman for Kansas in charge of Classification Clubs immediately and would appreciate hearing from you by return mail. Yours very truly, Th Navy Day Cha an for the State of Kansas October 6, 1945 Mr. Lewis E. Selders, President Spear Mills, Inc. Kansas City, Missouri Dear Mr. Selders: It was good to see you in Salina and tg have a visit regarding our mutual and departed friend Fred Crane. He ' was always a great favorite of mine. I spoke of the Jayhawk Rebound. I am sending you a copy of the last one that I wrote to the boys. We had planned them-as a monthly contribution but sometimes endeavors were délayed somewhat. With all good wishes, I an, FCA: 1m Enc e Sincerely, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach September 24, 1945 | Mr, Samuel Spigel Roanoke, Virginia Dear Mr. Spigels I am answering your communication of August 24, to sa that I knew that it was your weak arches that were involved when you concerning the Poot Arch Normalizers This normalizer is gy for a rheumatic conditions — : The normalizer is on the order of a glorified rolling pin set — in gears so that the weight of the individual is put on the roller in such a way that it develops the muscles of the arch, ankle, leg, and thigh in such a way that there is progressive improvements . advocates of this normalizer say that you “roll away your foot troue ble". I came upon this device at Atlanta, Georgia, when I was teach~ ing in the summer school at Georgia Teche I've used it for 10 years and would not take anything for mine if I could not procure anothers For tired, aching feet, for falling arches, for cramped foot and leg muscles, I lmow of fiothing better. It strikes at the root of the — troubles Do not think trying to sell you ones I'm endeavoring to tell you about something that helped me, and I, feel that — would make a mistake if ig did not try ite Sincerely yours, Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education