October O, 1945 Miss Mac Harmon, Seorotary Mr. Fe Le Schlagle Chairman for Nevy Day. Kansas City 16, Kensas. Dear Miss Harmons The only way that I know to find out how to get this information is to contact the presidents of our Classification Ciub here in lawrence and got a governey to notify their resvective distriots regarding this — e ‘ ) My, Howard Quigley hae left the state and is now in Fairbault, Minnee | cota, at the Mimesota School for the Deafe Our time is short, and I think Ill use my ow j dgenont in trying to get the job dene the best I can in a very short whiles , XX Unless stationery arrives soon, the date will be upon us before wo can. use ite a I can approciate how busy Mr, Schlagle is, but I thought perhaps he had | left someone in his office to handle detaile for hime I imagine, however, that . you, like all secretaries, are deluged with other thingss Since I have two sons and @ son-in-law who are officers in the nayy, I assure you I am definite- ly interestede Sincerely yours, Forrest C. Rien, Director 7 Department of Physical Education Varsity Baskethall Coach FAns